Page 145 of The Last Good Man

“Mm-hmm,” I mumble around my cigarette,

He spends a few seconds studying my eyes.

“I gather things didn’t work out,” he says.

“No, they didn’t,” I admit.

“Girls,” he says, raking his hand through his hair. “They’re puzzling like hell, man.”

“She’s not a girl. She’s a grown-up woman.”

“Which is worse.”

I laugh, but my amusement is short-lived.

Things didn’t work out the way I thought they would.

I didn’t expect her to fall into my arms, but it annoyed the hell out of me when I knew she was dying to have sex with me, and she still said no to me.

Truth be told, I could’ve had her in that alley.

I could’ve run my hand up her skirt, gotten her wet, and pushed her up against the wall.

I could’ve fucked her right there with those people watching.

If not, I could’ve made her drop to her knees and blow me like the good girl that she is.

She would’ve liked it and asked for more.

And I would’ve probably taken her home, fucked her the entire night, and made her cry for more.

But as much fun as that would’ve been, it would’ve scaredthe shit out ofher.

I feared it would’ve made her end things with me.

We weren’t even close to doing that, and she had pulled away from me.

I wanted to make her mine without hurting her, but she removed that possibility.

And that makes me angry.

“What do you know about grown-up women?” I ask.

A knowing smile spreads across my brother’s lips.

“I have this teacher…”

“Oh, spare me,” I say, and we laugh.

“For real, man. She is fine. That juicy butt. Mmm…”

“Fucking horny brat.”

“You asked me. I gave you an answer. Too bad you don’t like it.”

He smiles from ear to ear while watching me move around the kitchen.

“Are you hungry? I still have some lasagna.”