Page 48 of The Last Good Man

A few moments pass before he erases the space between us, snakes his arm around my waist, tilts his head down, and whispers words against my cheek while I melt like an ice cream cone left in the sun.

“Forget about finding common ground. In fact,”hesays, loopinghisother arm around me and tickling my earlobe withhisbreath. “Forget everything you know. You need nothing when you come to me. I will teach you everything you need to know.”

Despite his boastful words, his seriousness and stark confidence give me pause.

Not only does he believe every word he says, but he is set to make it happen.

What does he think I need to know?

Taking my silence as an answer, he grips my chin and tips my face up.

Our breaths become one in a swirl of suppressed passion as our lips connect, warm, eager to learn quickly, and loaded with pleasure waiting to happen.

Pressing his lips to mine, he pulls me into his chest, making my knees go soft and my shoulders quiver while leaving me there, waiting, not brutalizing my lips or sensually turning me on, only taking an inch of me at a time, giving me a lot to think about.

Heat spreads across my skin as he does more with his kiss than the other man the entire evening.

I move my hands over his chest with regret.

Despite what he’s saying, this, us, will never happen.

We both know it.

It’s just that we’re trying to ignore the overwhelming evidence.

We’re still connected when lights flash in front of the building, and a squad car’s siren goes off.

Oh, fucking perfect.

He seems unfazed, although he moves away from me, our conversation is unfinished.

“Sorry, darling. I wish I could spend the night,” he says, his voice lined with amusement and irony. “Duty calls,” he adds, glancing out the front door window.

He walks down the stairs before glancing over his shoulder and winking at me.

“Fight or no fight, you will be mine in the end. I’d advise you against going out with other people. You’ll unnecessarily bring them into our story, which won’t benefit them. Or you. I enjoy punishing naughtiness.”

Heflashes a smileand gives me another wink before exiting the building and moving fast toward the cops.

Three things pop into my head.

His voice was loud enough, and my neighbors might’ve heard his last words.

There’s a gun in his car, and he’s double-parked with cops all around him.

And, uh… How didheknow the passcode to let himself in and bring me my food?

A door opens at the upper level, prompting me to swivel and walk back into my apartment.

The lights still flash red and blue in front of my building.

Shit.The landlord might demand an explanation.

I move the food to the kitchen and go straight to the window. With him surrounded by the police, so many things could go wrong.

For one, he’s probably not supposed to have a gun.

I don’t think so. Not ifhe’sa convicted felon.