Page 241 of The Last Good Man

She can’t find her words, so I throw her a lifeline.

“I’m sorry, Aretha. I think I’ve grown out of that phase. I enjoyed our sessions, perhaps too much, but I want my training wheels off and to start taking some risks. I couldn’t do it as I was questioning my every step. I hope you see the benefit of no longer seeing each other.”

“I do. I surely do.”

She truly appears sincere, and I appreciate that.

“Well, you two make a great couple. I hope things work out for both of you. Jax isa very smartman. I’m not surprised he’s captured your heart. He knows people. His intuition is spot on, which is unusual for someone as young as he is. And he is very disciplined. Once he sets his eyes on something, he does whatever it takes to get that thing. He needs a solid woman, and you’re perfect for him. I owe you that much. Despite his past, he is not a violent man. But he has his limits when the people he cares for get hurt by someone else. He’ll always have your back. Don’t forget that.”

Her words stir new emotions in me.

I swallow down the lump in my throat before I speak again.

“Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome,” she says, and we end the call.



I arrive at the apartment, punch the code on the door lock, and let myself in.

The lights are on, and the floor-to-ceiling windows filter in the night view I have reveled in so many times while contemplating it from my office.

But this time is different.

This is home.

The view is part ofthe appeal of this place, while at my job, it is only a perk.

My heels clatter against the polished wood while I look around. The space begs to be decorated with a lavish couch,largearmchairs, floor pillows, and long curtains.

I go straight to the terrace, open the door and suck in the crisp air while listening to the humming of the streets.

This place is perfect for recharging after a long day at work.

I leave the door open and pivot to the kitchen.The place is as impressive as it was the first time I saw it.

I can’t wait to have people over.

I place my purse on the kitchen island and go to the bathroom,where I turnon the lights andmovemy eyes over my reflection.

My white dress still looks sharp despite spending so much time in it.My hair contrasts nicely with the classic combination of black and white.

The necklace I received from himcatchesmy eye, and Ibrushmy fingertips over it with tenderness and longing.

Some noisemakes it tomy ears. Startled, Iturn around, andwithout wasting another moment, I go back.

“Hello?” I say. “Is anyone there?”

Anyone other than me?

A knock on the door makes me move my eyes in that direction.

I know I locked the door, and I freeze when I hear the electronic beep of the lock getting unlocked.

I’m ready to reach for my phone and call for help if this is an intruder.