Page 232 of The Last Good Man

I take another bite.

“That neighbor gives you a hard time?”

Shaking my head, I run a napkin over my mouth.

“No. It’s not him…”

I pause, sigh, and place my fork down.

“There were several things,” I say, wrapping my fingers around my coffee. "The neighbor was one factor, but not the most important one. The landlord had a problem with you bringing the cops to his door.”

I lift my hand, anticipating a reaction from him.

“He wasn’t the triggering factor either. It’s just that all crap made me think seriously about buying a placeof my own.”

Relieved that I have gotten most of it off my chest, I sum up the rest in a few words.

“I found a great place, somewhat out of my price range, and made an offer. But… I might not get it since the owner has several offers.”

“Where is that place?”

I give him the details before making a dismissive gesture.

“It’s fine. I’ll look for another one.”

“Do you like this place?” he asks, grabbing his phone and searching for the listing.

“I love it,” I say, eating again.“It spoke to me.Ithink it’s a great investment too, in case I want to sell it at some point.It’s a nice area with a great view, perfect for a single person or a couple.”

I toss that at the end, not thinking much about it.

We haven’t talked about ‘us’ in those terms, asbeinga couple, let alone living together.

Ijustspent my first night at his place, so we’re nowhere near talking about living together.

“So you want this place.”

“I sure do, but I don’t think I can get it.”

“Can you pay more?”

“It’s already more…”

I pause.

“I can pay more. Yes. But I don’t want to get caught in a bidding war that will backfire in the end.”

He sets his phone down, collects his plate of food, and slides into his seat next to me.

We eatin silencefor the next few moments before he brings his water from the fridge. I’m finallyfull.

“Dessert?” he asks, glancing at the pie and the cake in the fridge.

“No, thank you.”

He closes the refrigerator and heads back to his seat, yet stops behind me and sets his hands on the counter on either side of me, his lips in the back of my hair.

“What about I help you get that place?” he murmurs, and I glance at him over my shoulder.