I grab my purse.
“Let’s see it,” I say, heading to the door.
“I’ll be there in a moment,” I say to my mother before ending the conversationwith herand shoving my phone into my purse.
I spin around and look up the street.
You can never get a cab when you need one, so I start walking.
The weather is perfect if you don’t need to pace down the street and shield your eyes from the sunall the way to the destination.
Not before long, Ienterthe fancy restaurant, and the hostessgreets me and leadsme to the table.
My mother gives me a wave as I sashay my way through the middle of the restaurant.
“Hi,” I say, my cheeks burning, my hair not as neat as hers.
Her eyes slide over my face and the two-piece blue skirt suit I wear.
“This looks nice on you,” she says, taking in my canary yellow bag. “You and your bright-colored bags,” she says, smiling.
She wears light gray pants, black shoes, and a colorful blouse intones ofwhite and pink.She looks pretty with herframeless glasses and pearl earrings.
“What’s wrong with my bags?” I ask, sliding into my seat with a grin on my face.
“Nothing. That’s surely a statement piece.”
“They all are. That’s the point,” I say before the waitress shows up and takes my drink order.
“Are you ready to order food as well?” she asks.
I look at my mother, who’s already perusing the menu.
“Yes. I think we are,” I say.
We order fish, pasta, and roasted broccoli.
“Someone’s hungry,” my mother comments, bringing her wine to her lips.
“I always am,” I say.
A few moments pass as Imake myselfcomfortable in my seat and get my drink while my mother reads my expression and speaks.
“So… How are things?” she asks.
I tell her.
Itellher about my job, the properties I saw yesterday, and the place that seems perfect for me.
By the time I show her the pictures, our food is already on the table.
She likes what she sees, and the more I look at the apartment myself, the more I feel like this is it.