Each name he called seemed to heighten the pounding in my chest, to ratchet the anticipation up another notch.
“I want my team to inspect you as well, Ingrid,” he said matter-of-factly, as if it represented a standard business procedure. “It’s important for you to get to know them, and vice versa.”
From where I stood behind Joseph’s desk, I had to turn my head to see the door. I did, out of sheer instinct, wondering if I could hear the muffled footsteps approaching from the hallway.
“Eyes front,” Joseph commanded, delivering a sudden sharp, if glancing thanks to the angle, spank to my right bottom cheek. “You should know that by now.”
I straightened at the sting as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Instantly, fearfully, I bent over again, putting my hands back on my knees. I gazed ahead, out the window into the blue sky outside, every bit of my body seeming to burn with shame and unwelcome desire.
The seconds stretched out, each one laden with the promise of further humiliation and deeper submission. Every muscle fiber of my body felt taut.
The door opened, and I heard them walk in. I felt my face working with emotion, nose wrinkling with shame, brow furrowing with fear.
“Good morning, gentlemen,” I heard Joseph’s voice say. “I want you to meet Ingrid Vogel, the team’s new executive secretary. As you can see, Ingrid is very pretty, but also quite naughty when she has a mind to be. The marks from my paddle you can see on her adorable little ass came about because she refused to take off her clothes yesterday at her onboarding interview.”
I didn’t want to picture them. Martin, Kevin, and Louis, he had said—and I had recognized the names from the org chart I had studied early in my onboarding tutorial. Joseph’s team of junior executives, who crafted corporate communications that went out under the megacorp’s logo, often with results that changed the world.
There had been photos in the org chart, so I knew what they looked like: Martin, red-haired and full-faced. Kevin, with dark hair and eyes, his face sharp and angular. Louis, his locks light brown and his eyes an arresting hazel, his face oval-shaped and very intelligent-looking.
I pictured them despite myself. I bit my lip as in my mind’s eye they stood at ease, their expressions a blend of curiosity and barely concealed eagerness. They awaited Joseph’s instructions, knowing of course how their presence served as a tangible reminder of the hierarchy in Joseph’s twisted corporate world.
“Observe closely,” Joseph instructed them, his tone brooking no argument. “Ingrid’s inspection is crucial for her learning how things work here, and you’re of course an important part of that. Ingrid, go stand in the middle of the room so the guys can get a good look at you, just like I did.”
Shaking, I obeyed, trying desperately to make my movements deliberate and measured, as if I could preserve some kind of grace despite this terrible degradation. With my eyes on their well-polished shoes and their neatly creased suit trousers, I reached the center of the room, my body now on full display for their scrutiny.
“Put your hands on your head, Ingrid,” Joseph commanded, his voice stern. “That’s another thing you’ll have to learn to do without being told.”
Air puffed in and out of my nostrils so fast I thought I might hyperventilate. I could feel a little dizziness swaying me atop my trembling knees as I obeyed, feeling again how the posture offered my body to the observer for assessment and, should he choose, for use.
I could feel how their eyes turned to me, raking over my body with a mix of desire and, I thought surely, some attempt at professional detachment. I felt their gazes like physical touches, each one adding to the mounting tension and arousal swirling within me.
“Take it all in,” Joseph continued, his voice a masterful blend of authority and possession. “Every mark, every curve. She belongs to me, going forward, but as you gentlemen know, I like to share my toys.”
The chuckle that ran through the three men whose expensive shoes and pants were all I could see of them drew a tiny sob from my chest. To my distress, one of them decided abruptly to venture a comment.
“Aww,” the one on the left said, “are you a little nervous about being shared, Ingrid?”
“She should be,” said the one on the right. “Maybe she’s heard about the size of your cock, Kev.”
Behind me, Joseph laughed. The sound, together with the coarse words the junior executives had used, sent a flame of shame and unwelcome need shooting through me, so strong that I had to close my eyes.
“Is she looking you in the eye?” Joseph asked.
“Nope,” replied the one on the left. “She’s learned that, at least.”
“Good girl,” Joseph said. “But go ahead and take a look at the team, now.”
I swallowed hard. I didn’t know how I managed to do it, but I obeyed, thinking that their actual faces couldn’t be worse than my imagination.
They were, though.
Kevin stood on the left. His gaze was intense, his eyes dark with barely concealed hunger. Martin stood in the middle, his expression one of clinical curiosity, as though he were analyzing every curve and mark on my body with professional detachment. Louis, however, couldn’t hide the raw desire that flickered across his features, his breathing shallow and rapid.
“Beautiful,” Louis breathed, his eyes darkening with desire. The intensity of his stare made my pulse quicken, a forbidden thrill coursing through me.
“Indeed,” Martin agreed, his voice cool and evaluating. “She’s exquisite.”
Kevin remained silent, but his gaze spoke volumes. His eyes roved over my body, taking in every inch of my exposed skin. I could sense much too easily his eagerness to partake in the lewd ‘game’ that Joseph had set into motion.