Page 21 of Jaime's Story

“And if you don’t know his address, I’ll get Jesse to get it from Chief Davidson,” Julie adds, and Jackie shakes her head at us. “What?”

“You get his address from Jesse and he’s going to know that you’re up to something, or that you’re getting it for Jaime to do something. Do you remember what he was like with Ethan? Now let’s add twenty-two years onto that and see what it comes up with.”

“Alright, I could probably get it from Jamison if he knows it, say you’re buying him something and want to ship it straight to him,” Julie suggests as I just laugh at the group.

“I have his address.”

“You do?” Jillian says and I nod, turning a bit redder at the looks sent my way. “And did he give it to you or not?”

“He told me he bought the place ten years ago and real estate records are online…” I shrug at the grins my sisters shoot me as Mom comes down the hallway calling for us.

“So he has a house and not just an apartment?” Julie asks as Jillian pops her head out my door answering Mom.

“Yeah, he does,” I answer her before Mom comes in, smiling at all of us together.

“And what are we plotting in here?” she asks us pulling giggles from all of us.

“Ways to get Bryan to break his control and kiss her finally,” Jillian answers making my eyes widen in shock that she told her.

“Ah…wait, that boy hasn’t even kissed you yet?” Mom states, her jaw dropping as I let out a sigh. “Well, your dad would be very happy to hear that, but we’ll make sure to give you two some space after dinner.”

“Thanks Mom,” I muse, and Jennie slips her arm around me, giving me a squeeze.

“So then if he doesn’t give in tonight, you’ll help cover if Jaime decides to stop by his place and surprise him one night this week?” Jennie asks, her tone so close to normal that it makes Mom’s eyes widen again.

“Not at all, I know plenty of ways to distract your daddy,” Mom muses pulling soft groans from all of us as we head out of the room.

“I think it’s cute how much they still cuddle and kiss all the time,” Maia says earning a hug from Mom.

“Yeah well, you never walked in to see things happening you shouldn’t have,” Julie states but thankfully the most any of us has ever seen is them with their hands in not so suitable for public places and nothing worse like Jamison apparently did a couple years ago.

A deeper smile hits my lips when we get downstairs, finding Bryan coming through the door with Jesse, Maddie, and their kids. Jesse gives him a nod before heading back out the door and I know he’s going to park the car. He’s insistent that he drop them off at the door whenever they have a newborn or when Maddie was heavily pregnant. Even with Tabby being three months old now he still does it.

“Hey princess,” he says, making my heart melt as I slip over to him, reaching up to kiss his cheek surprising him a bit it seems, and I like it a lot.

It stays with me throughout dinner, and even Dad and the guys pulling Bryan aside shortly after we were snuggled up in a big comfy chair doesn’t bother me. I am a bit curious about what’s going on, but I know Bryan can hold his own against them.

Jennie slips over as the minutes turn from ten to fifteen, giving me a soft smile while Heath, Jesse and Maddie’s two year old little boy, is using her arm as a pillow. “If things don’t work out by going to his place, you can always slip over to the guesthouse at mine.”

“Jennie!” I gasp softly at the offer because she never has the family over there, let alone offered to let any of us stay with her. Her house is far more of a statement piece than anyone else’s in the family is, so I’m shocked at the suggestion.

“If there’s anything I could tell you it’s don’t hold back. Ethan and Jackie had mentioned Troy for years, even suggested I come over to have dinner and meet him before we finally did accidentally, but I was certain he wasn’t going to be the one for me. I was wrong and wasted a lot of years I could have been with him if I hadn’t been so stubborn. If the two of you met four years ago, maybe things would have progressed slower since you were in school and he was newly promoted to being a detective, but now…grab hold of what you want and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it, got it?” Jennie says, holding my gaze and I nod, fighting against tears at her words. “And don’t worry about the boys. None of them can say a thing about how fast it might be without sounding like a hypocrite, and if Dad were going to flip out about a daughter being pregnant at their wedding, he’d have done it nearly sixteen yeas ago when I got married.”

“Thanks Jennie,” I state, hugging her around Heath whose eyes flutter as he holds tighter to Jennie’s arm. She gives me a nod before heading back over towards Maddie who sends me a wink nodding at the door and it’s a relief to see the guys coming back with Bryan who’s smiling.

He picks me up, settling back into the seat, and I snuggle deep into his arms as his lips press a soft kiss to my forehead. It’s absolutely perfect for now and I stay wrapped up with him until the family’s gone, leaving us alone in the space. My cheeks heat a bit when Jillian shuts the door behind her with a knowing look, but the gaze in Bryan’s eyes more than make up for any slight embarrassment she caused.

“So, how was your first family dinner?” I ask because he ended up having to work last week and wasn’t able to make it.

“Good, I like your family. Being with you like this more than makes up for the grilling I just got too.”

I laugh at the look on his face, there’s a pleasure on it that has nothing to do with the heat simmering in his gaze as his eyes roam over mine. “You’re probably the only guy who is happy to get the third degree from the family, you know that?”

“Probably,” he agrees, his fingers tracing my lips sending shivers entirely through my body. I can’t hide them or the way my nipples pebble beneath my top. “You have no idea how much I want to steal you away with me right now, princess. Claim these lips until you’re shivering and shuddering with bliss underneath me. Being daddy’s good little princess,” he adds, and a jolt of hunger runs through me so deep I can’t stop the little moan that slips up and out of my throat.

“Bryan,” I whisper arching up a bit more trying to get my lips on his, but his arms hold me tight in a cradle, keeping me from being able to.

“I know, princess,” he states a smile on his lips that aggravates me but also arouses me further. “I want it too. Want to taste every bit of my princess. Want to bury myself deep inside you until we both explode with how good it’s going to be. There’s no going back once it happens, Jaime. Once I have you, I won’t be able to contain it—my need for you. I’ve never felt anything like it, but every night I lay in my bed, my hard cock in my hand, stroking it, picturing you doing everything I tell you. Being daddy’s good girl, my sweet little princess, and I come so hard, baby. The first time is going to be over way too fast if I don’t control myself though and I want it to be perfect for you.”