“Right…it’s not really a question more something that I have to tell you, and I wish I didn’t, but I’d rather just get it out of the way now than wait and ruin the night later.”
“Okay, what is it?” Jaime asks as I help her with her coat.
“The chief called me earlier about an assignment next weekend,” I admit as she turns back towards me, her smile falling a hint. “The department’s been asked to send people to help on top of the hired security for the Heart Ball and he asked me to help out instead of bugging any of the married men.”
“So you’ll be at the dance?” she asks, and I nod, a hint of a grin slipping across her face I wasn’t expecting. “We’ll be at it too, so maybe on a break we could have a dance?”
“We are supposed to blend in and look even less like security so I don’t think that will be a problem,” I state, relief hitting that she’s not angry about the assignment while also being very aware of the fact that she’s a guest and I’ll be there on the job still.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d want to come with me, deal with the rest of my family,” she adds shyly as we head towards me car. “I know they can be a bit much all at once, and since most of them will be there, I didn’t think throwing you into the deep end with them would be very nice.”
“Whenever you’re ready to admit to them that we’re dating is fine with me, princess,” I state holding open the car door for her. She hesitates before getting in, her eyes wide as she looks up at me in surprise. “What?”
“I…everyone already knows we’re dating,” she says sending my brow upward a hint. “I didn’t want them bothering you, asking you questions, or pressuring you to come around to things, like the ball or Sunday dinners,” she adds, and I fight back the urge to ravish her immediately. “If you think Jeffery’s glares are bad, you should see my older brothers. The only reason Jesse likely hasn’t come down to the station to demand answers regarding your ‘intention’ is because they just had Tabitha and as much as he loves his boys, he’s a beast when it comes to his daughters and Maddie, so he hasn’t left their side since she was born.”
“So you’re not keeping me from them?” I question and she shakes her head no, a light color in her cheeks that is sweet as hell. “You’re trying to keep them from me, from bothering me?”
“Some people might not mind the intrusion, but my family can be intense,” she says making me fall deeper and harder for her. “Jackie’s husband Ethan didn’t but he also already knew Julie from college, and she vouched for him with Dad. Adam already had met most of our brothers and they knew all about him and his company before it came out they were dating because he’d put in a bid to produce the new furniture line Jamison and Serena designed.
“The family already knew Jennie’s husband Troy because he works with Ethan, and while you’ve met some of them, it was in a work capacity, not personal, and I didn’t want them bothering you. I wouldn’t want random people coming up and demanding answers if spots were reversed. It’d be one thing if it were just one or two of them, but all of them at once…I can’t imagine having to deal with that.”
“You don’t have to shield me from them, princess,” I assure her, brushing the hair from her face as the wind blows around us, cold and icy once more. “For now, let’s go get something to eat. If it starts to rain, I don’t want to cut dinner short to get you safely home.”
Her smile hits me right in the heart and I gently guide her into the car then hurry around to get us to the restaurant. It’s busy but not so much there’s a wait to get a table and I love that she slips into the booth beside me instead of sitting on the other side. Anytime we’re somewhere with a booth she does it and it warms a part of me that she wants to be beside me.
With anyone else, even the few women I have dated, I never wanted them in my space. Not even with Danielle really. Jaime’s completely different and honestly, if it wouldn’t likely embarrass her, I’d pull her onto my lap and kiss her until she couldn’t begin to resist what’s flowing between us.
The rain starts as we’re finishing our dessert and as much as I don’t want to, I take her home right after. A soft laugh falls from her lips when we pull up the drive and my attention slips further down it, seeing someone leading Ashton and Maia up the steps of the house.
“That’s Ethan, Jackie’s husband. Ashton’s theirs,” Jaime say, and I nod in understanding when Jeffery throws open the door. “Jeffery was almost as much Jackie’s baby as Mom’s, so she probably sent Ethan out after them when Jeffery called or texted saying they weren’t home yet.”
“So I should feel proud that they didn’t send someone out after you, hmm?” I tease, putting a bit of color into her cheeks that I adore.
“Dad trusts you. If he didn’t, Chief Davidson wouldn’t have sent you out to the house to help with Maia to begin,” she says and it’s a relief to hear it. Especially considering how much the man’s worth. That was never something that even came to mind when helping Jasmine or Jamison, but now, it could mean the difference in having Jaime as mine or not.
“Then I guess as much as I don’t want to let you go just yet, I probably should get you inside where you’re safe,” I state, pulling up behind the other car to park.
“Kissing the life out of you when someone could easily interrupt,” I admit, watching her eyes darken into a stormy grey rather than the sweet silvery blue they usually are. “I’m doing my best to take this slow, because I don’t want to rush you, princess, and I know if I kiss you, it’s apt to spiral out of control fast.”
“Maybe you should offer to drive me home after the ball then,” she says, her tone huskier and shit, it takes everything within me to stop from mauling her now.
“If I don’t have to do any follow-up after it, I’d be glad to, princess. For now, let’s get you inside while I can be reasonable enough to let you go,” I add, cupping her cheek before dropping a kiss to the other one. Her scent drives me wild, and I pull back, doing my best to let the cold air stop the raging hard-on just being near her causes.
I hate this damn weather though. It means I can’t linger there with her, and the week drags by with our hours keeping us from seeing one another again. I’ll be damn glad when this thing she’s working on with this Wyatt guy is finished.
The man’s a workaholic apparently but he likes early hours most, while I’m routinely out until late. Her need to get up earlier keeps me from seeing her later in the evening and I’m about ready to go to her office and tell this Wyatt guy to just let her do her thing on her own time so I can see my girl more than once a damn week.
It doesn’t help that as Saturday arrives, I can’t see her until this stupid ball. I have to go into the station to get the full rundown, then get dressed and arrive before the rest of the guests, keeping me from even calling her.
I grit my teeth when Grace Elliott comes in, giving us all once overs, her face a hoity air as she looks over most of the guys. She gives me a smile then starts to reach towards me and I take a step back, making her brow lift curiously.
“Problems?” a man wearing an earpiece asks stepping up towards us.
“Some men just need a little help to look presentable,” Grace says, reaching towards me again, her eyes saying that’s not what she’s really up to, and I take another step backwards from her.
“The tie is fine, and I’m taken,” I warn drawing a brow lift from Tyler next to me. We get along fine at work, but I certainly don’t spill my secrets to the man.