His thumb pressed to my ass, and it only took three rubs over the puckered star for me to fall apart completely.
“Oh! Augie!” I screamed his name, coming so hard my entire body locked up.
Pleasure spiraled out from between my thighs, my internal walls clamping down on his fingers, my core dripping with how wet he’d made me. He held my hip, steadying me while he continued the onslaught, never letting me pull away, even though the sensation was overwhelming.
I buried my face in his sheets, my moans and cries and shouts muffled by the mattress, and thank God, because I was so loud there was no chance people couldn’t hear me on the street.
The orgasm drew out, longer and harder and so much sweeter than any I’d ever given myself.
Eventually, Augie slowed down, licking me leisurely now, like he hadn’t already spent…how long? Thirty minutes? An hour? Two? I had no freaking idea how much time had passed.
Only that Augie had done something to my body tonight that I hadn’t even know it was capable of.
My knees slid out from beneath me until I was flat on my stomach, spread-eagled across his bed, too utterly exhausted to move.
He trailed his fingers up my spine.
I lifted a heavy hand and swatted at him. “No more. You broke me.”
He laughed as he came to lie on the bed next to me, drawing the sheet up over my waist to cover my nakedness. He shifted onto his side, propping one hand up under his head so he could watch me. Slowly, with my pussy still thrumming in delight and my body as boneless as I’d ever felt it, I twisted my head so I could see him.
We stared at each other in silence for a long moment. I let my gaze wander over his beautiful face. He was definitely one of those men who aged well. The lines around his eyes and the fainter ones across his forehead proved he was no longer in his twenties. The dark sadness in his expression spoke to a life that had never been easy. I reached out and traced my fingertips along his stubbled jawline, somewhat surprised by my own actions, as well as the fact he let me.
Somehow, putting my fingers on his face felt a whole lot more intimate than him licking my pussy until I screamed.
“I don’t feel right about coming over here and screaming your house down because you’re an oral sex master.” I gave him a sleepy smile. “I’m pretty good at blow jobs, if you want to find out.”
He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. “One day, I’ll take you up on that. But not when you came to my house bawling your eyes out and clearly terrified.”
I dropped my hand and looked away. “I wasn’t bawling. Or terrified.”
Except we both knew I was. He didn’t need to say it. So I appreciated when he said, “Do you want to tell me what happened?” instead.
I did. I wanted to spill every secret I kept inside. I wanted to explain, except how could I? What was I going to say? That the psychopath I’m supposedly owned by would kill us both if he knew I was here? Oh, and PS, there’s a target on your head and I’m the one who’s supposed to kill you?
Yeah, that would go down well.
I forced myself to roll over. “I should go,” I murmured, pushing myself up to sit.
But Augie’s arms came around my waist, and he pulled me back down to the mattress, tucking himself in behind me so his chest was to my back. “It’s late. Just stay.”
I could barely breathe. But unlike when Riddick held me and I couldn’t breathe because he was trying to hurt me, with Augie it was because my heart beat too fast and my stomach fluttered with nerves. “I should—”
“Sleep,” he mumbled into my hair. “You can run away again tomorrow. But for now, just go to fucking sleep, Lia.”
For the first time ever, I let a man hold me while I closed my eyes.
Iwoke up in a mess of confusion, a woman’s scent in my nose and a warm body nestled in against me. I blinked a few times, groaning because I never let women stay over, until I remembered it wasn’t just any woman.
Her almost black hair spilled across my sheets, her face relaxed in sleep and so fucking beautiful it did weird things to my chest.
She’d come here scared. Crying. So unlike the strong, badass woman I’d known ’til then.