Page 24 of Entangled With You

Milena: Morning. I hope you have a good day, too. Anything fun planned for today?

I put my phone in my backpack and decide not to check for messages again until after I’ve arrived at the team facilities; I don’t want to be late.

Sure enough, there’s a thread of messages waiting for me when I sit down by my cubby in the locker room.

Dark angel: Would it sound too desperate if I say I’m looking forward to chatting with you tonight?

Dark angel: Damn, I shouldn’t have said that.

Dark angel: Yeah, I completely spooked you. I’m such a loser.

Dark angel: I’m sorry.

What the hell? I should have told him I was on my way to work.

Milena: Hey Matías, I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you immediately. I was walking and decided to wait to see your messages until I was at work.

Milena: I’m also looking forward to chatting with you tonight. You didn’t do or say anything wrong.

Milena: I’ll catch up with you later.

I wait to see if he’ll reply. Staring at my phone, I’m almost willing Matías to send a message when Stefa jumps me from behind. I scream and jump out of my seat, and my phone goes flying.

“Bahaha, boluda. I’m sorry, I thought you had seen me coming,” Stefa says once she calms down enough from laughing her ass off. I swat her arm and go looking for my phone. I hope it didn’t break. “Ohhhhh, are you waiting for a message or something?” Stefa says teasingly, and I simply roll my eyes at her. I’m not ready to tell anyone about him. “Yeah right, you can keep rolling your eyes all you want, but I know that look. I hope this means you decided to give the app a chance.” When I don’t reply, she chuckles but leaves me alone. I check my phone and sure enough, there’s a message waiting for me.

Dark angel: I’m even more embarrassed now. Me and my stupid brain made assumptions and I should never have voiced them out loud. Now I definitely look like a clingy motherfucker. I’ll understand if you want to run for the hills now.

Milena: Don’t sweat it. I wish more people were as real as you are. At least I know you enjoyed chatting with me last night as much as I did. Sometimes people play games, and the “hard to get” vibe is so not my type so this is a welcome change.

Milena: Just please keep in mind that I’m 1000% devoted to my job, so if I don’t get back to you immediately, I’m not ignoring you. I’m just busy. But I’ll try to give you a heads-up so you won’t freak out. Deal? Talk later, Mati. Have a good day *smile emoji*

Dark angel: Thank you. I promise I’ll stop being an idiot. Talk later.

I’m glad we were able to clear things up, but this is very much something we spoke about all those years ago. He always felt if things went wrong, it was always his fault. Locking my phone and putting it away in my backpack, I head to warm up with the girls. This week’s game is a banger; Avellana, our rival, is only one point behind us. We must win.

“Cardona, how are you feeling this morning? We need you to be in top shape for this weekend,” Coach says as soon as I enter the pitch and give him a smile.

“I’m good, Coach. Very excited to play this weekend! We need to keep the top spot on the board.”

He pats me on my back. “That’s the spirit; let’s burn some energy,” he says as he blows his whistle. This time, I’m not fast enough to run away from the noise. Wincing as I start jogging around the pitch, I join the rest of the team in a loud groan at this whistle.

“Coach, next time please make a shorter sound,” Noelia shouts, pleading.

“Thank you, for the advice, Rojas but of course I won’t take it. Now give me three more laps and stop complaining.” We all groan but keep up the pace. The last thing we need is for the coach to give us even more laps or, even worse, planks.

After training is over, I head to the physio department for a massage; my legs are definitely feeling the extra laps today. Martina is the masseuse today, and I really like the way she’s so thorough with the massage. My legs always end up burning more after, but the next day I’m as relaxed as a baby after having a bottle.

“Cata, which scent do you want the oil to be? I have vanilla, lemon, and cardamom.”

After removing my uniform, I lay down on the table and answer, “Cardamom sounds interesting, let's try that one. Also, could you play your T. Swift playlist? I’m in a mellow mood today.”

Martina smiles at me as she does a little salute with her hand. “You got it, boss.” And I drift off to sleep for a quick nap.

On my way home, Emma and Noelia fall into step with me. “Hey Cata, we’re thinking about buying the same shirt to wear to the away game this weekend. We’ve been thinking a lot about what you said about us acting as a team, and we’d like to make a silent statement.”

I look at them, expecting to hear more about their idea but when they don’t say anything, I ask, “Cool, so what do you have in mind?”

“Come on, we’re going to the store now,” Emma says, and I follow them.