Page 23 of Entangled With You

I chuckle at her response, but she’s not wrong.

“One miscalculation and a column could collapse and potentially the entire building, too. Or if I’m calculating material, if I don’t make the correct calculations and buy less material, it can cost us potentially more money. Or if I use less material, the building can collapse because there’s not enough iron or concrete supporting the structure.”

I hit send and then re-read my reply. Giving myself a face-palm, I cringe at the way I spilled my nerd brain to Milena. Maybe she wasn’t asking for specifics? Maybe it was a rhetorical question. “Boludo,” I say to myself. I shake my head and wait for her response.

“Wow, I have even more admiration for engineers now. Thank you for taking your job so seriously.”

A full grin spreads across my face. I don’t think I’ve smiled this big in a long time.

“Thank you. I just really enjoy what I do and numbers are fun. At least to me. *shrug emoji* Anyway, what did you go to school for? Is your job related at all to your studies?”

“I went to school for business administration and no, my job is not related at all. But it’s my passion so *shrug emoji*”

Now this piques my curiosity; I feel like I need to know what her job is.

“So are you going to tell me what your job is about? Or you don’t feel comfortable sharing that yet?”

“Love how direct you are, Matías. I kind of want to keep a halo of mystery about myself, for a little while longer. But let’s say that I’m part of an athletic team. In which capacity? That’s a topic for another day. *wink emoji*”

Damn, I like this girl. She’s not desperate to give it all at once. She wants to take her time getting to know each other, and I’m totally okay with that.

“Fair enough. Let’s switch topics then (at least for now), how’s the kitty doing? Does it have a name yet?”

“Aww, you remembered. Kitty’s good. I took him to the vet today for a checkup, and he’s only a couple of months old. I bought him way more toys and treats that he’ll be able to enjoy in the next year, but I couldn’t resist. Do you want to see a picture?”

I’ve never been more invested in a damn pet than right now. I don’t have a chance to reply because Milena sends a picture next.

“Say hi to Furball. That’s what I’m calling him for now; I’m still looking for his forever name.”

Once I click on the picture, I see the kitty is tiny indeed. Big, curious eyes and lots and lots of fur. Furball seems like an appropriate name. But what really catches my attention is the setting. Furball is nestled in a fluffy blanket that’s on top of Milena’s long, toned, tan legs. Damn, what a sight. My mouth waters on the spot, and my dick perks up in my boxers. What would it feel like to have those legs wrapped around my neck as I eat Milena’s pussy?

“Cute, right?”

Milena’s message comes right when my dick is desperate for attention.

“Yeah, he’s cute. I like the black stripes he has on his face. It’s like he has a tattoo or something.”

The stripes give the kitty a bad-boy vibe, which is what my tattoos do for me. People usually stay away from “bad boys,” so I don’t have to face my demons and make conversation with every person. Only a few who I feel comfortable with know the real me.

“Matías, you’re a genius. That’s the name: Tinta (Ink).”

I chuckle at her response.

“Tinta, I like it. It has character, it suits him.”

We continue messaging back and forth until the early hours of the morning with the promise that we’ll chat more tonight. So far chatting with Milena seems promising—a curious girl with no red flags.

Chapter 10

Cattleya Cardona

Last night, chatting with Mati was a dream. Ugh, why do I have to be so ridiculous and be so hung up on a man for so long? I mean, the total time we spent together didn’t even amount to one full day. I should have moved on a long time ago, but the truth is, Matías is one in a million. Even though things didn’t end up working between us, I feel like I need to explore things with him. The start isn’t ideal. I mean I know I would be livid if he was on the other end of the chat and didn’t tell me it was him. I just hope he’ll see past it and understand why I did it. He has avoided me for four years, why would this time be any different?

I decide to have a quick breakfast before showering, and once I’m ready, I fill Tinta’s bowls with fresh water and food. After petting him for a couple of minutes, I head out for training. The weather has become colder, but somehow I’m getting used to it—I’m actually enjoying it. Who would have thought? I’m walking at a brisk pace, enjoying people-watching while listening to my hype playlist when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Confused, I take it out. When I look at the screen, there’s a notification from OfficialCherub.

Dark angel: Good morning, Milena. I hope you have a great day.

A huge smile escapes my lips as I try my hardest not to lose it in the street; I don’t want people to think I’m crazy. But all I want to do is jump up and down. Before I do just that, I stop walking and send a message to Matías.