Page 6 of (UN)Bounded

“I’m so glad I’m moving out of this sex house. The two of you have scarred me for life.”

Karina barks out a laugh, and I join her. As much shit as I give them, I adore them, and I’m truly happy for them.

“Wait until you find the man who makes you feel insatiable. You’ll see,” she chirps, and I don’t reply. Besides a few flings in college, I’ve never been interested in a relationship.

“So are we looking for anything in particular?” Kari asks as she makes her way into the Santiago rush-hour traffic.

The drive from Alamo Peaks to Santiago is always dreamy, with the beautiful mountains in the background.

“Not really. I just want a couple of fun, summery outfits. You know, something cute and fresh. I’ll get a feel for the city and the town and pick up more outfits while I’m there.”

Karina nods slowly while singing one of the new Taylor Swift songs. “What do you think about going to Dani’s boutique? I heard they just got her new collection.”

I look at her, surprised. “Oh, I didn’t realize she had a boutique here in Santiago.”

Dani is one of Karina’s best friends. They met while Karina was in college in Argentina. Dani, who’s Colombian, went there for a summer after her parents passed away in a car accident. Then she met Marco, one of Luca’s best friends, and as the old saying goes, the rest is history. She’s a fashion designer and apparently now has boutiques not only in Argentina but also in Chile.

“That would be great. I’ve loved every single dress she’s made for you.”

Karina smiles as she continues to drive and sing along with Taylor on the radio. “So Italy, huh?”

And there it is. I’ve been waiting for this topic since we left the vineyard. “Yeah, the more I look up places to see and things to do there, the more I believe it’s the best way to spend my summer. I even found a short summer class on modern art at the university where Gabo studied.”

The moment I say his name, the air inside the car turns heavy. I saw this coming a mile away. My phone vibrates in my purse, and I welcome the distraction. It’s a notification from Instagram.

GaboGodoy: Ciao, Bella. Of course, I’d love to host you. In fact, I have everything ready for you.

See you soon, G.

My heart skips a beat when I see his name, but I’m even more intrigued now. How does he know I’ll be there soon? And is he going to keep using the Bella nickname?

“I’m surprised you got advice from Gabo, not because he’s a bad guy. I mean, he’s my brother, of course he’s amazing,” Karina says, bringing me back to our conversation and chuckling before she continues. “But because he’s usually immersed in his own world, so the fact that he offered to be your contact while you’re there is huge.”

I look at Karina, confused.

Did she speak to him?

“How do you know he offered to be my contact?”

She smiles and waves off my confusion. “Oh, Luca mentioned it. You know him and Gabo have grown to be tight. I guess you came up in conversation when Luca said you were going to spend the summer in Italy.”

Huh. Of course, they’ve been making sure my time in Italy goes smoothly. And my brother acting all innocent this morning, like he hadn’t already given Gabo the speech about making sure I don’t date anyone while I’m there. Ugh, Luca is too much sometimes.

“And don’t worry. I already told your brother there’s no need for us to fly with you to Italy.”

My eyes grow as big as saucers, and my eyebrows shoot to the moon. “What?” I shriek, and Karina barks out a laugh.

“Oh, yeah, your brother thought it’d be a good idea for us to take a couple of weeks off and go with you to Bologna, to make sure you settled okay.”

I shake my head as I face-palm. “I love Luca, you know I do. But sometimes he’s overbearing.”

Karina parks the car, and we get out, making our way to Dani’s boutique.

“I know, and that’s why I told him he needed you to do this on your own terms,” she says as she links her arm with mine. “But just know that if at some point you need anything, Luca and I will be just a phone call away. Plus, my brother will be there. I think it’s so cool you get to stay at his place. I’ve always loved it there.”

Karina’s words hit me like a grenade—I’m staying with Gabo Godoy? I mean, I thought he would let me stay at one of his places, but I didn’t expect to share one with him. God, I hope my hormones behave.

Chapter 2