Page 91 of Tied Up in Riches

I rub erratic circles against her skin, matching the way I’m slamming into her, nearly out of control. Her arousal lets me slide in each time with ease, and her mounting orgasm clenching against me pulls me deeper. “Come for me, love,” I breathe against her back before pressing a kiss to her sweat soaked skin.

My words send her over the edge. She cries out as her pussy tightens around my cock, pulling my orgasm from me with each pulsing wave of hers. I pull away from her back, gripping her hips again to slam into her again and again. Until I’m certain we’ve ridden through to the end of our climaxes. Even then, a delayed spasm shoots through my entire body, my cock pulsing once more inside her.

She shudders, and I run my hands up her back adding full fledged chills sparking across her skin. On a heavy breath, I pull out of her slowly, immediately missing her warmth but knowing she’s probably ready to be untied. Crawling over her, I undo the velcro and her hands relax onto the mattress. Her breathing is steady but heated as I collapse on the bed next to her.

She scoots across the mattress, still on her stomach until she’s pressed up against me, and my new life plan is to never leave this fucking bed.

“I might not be able to move until tomorrow,” she whispers, exhausted. Her arm reaches across my chest, warm and heavy against my abs.

I reach over, my fingers weaving into her slightly damp hair, brushing it away from where her face is pressed into my chest. “Lucky for you, I love you right here.”

She sighs. “I think I just love you.”

My heart slams against my chest. “In a way that feels like a made-up word and doesn’t make sense?”

She tips her head, glancing up at me. “In a way that makes everything more clear than it’s ever been.”

I brush my thumb over her cheek. “I’ve been falling in love with you since the day I bought every Thai tea ingredient in bulk to ensure you never ran out.”

“Good thing you’re rich enough you can afford that, huh?” She smiles, and I know I’ll do whatever it takes to make her do it a million more times.

I smirk, my thumb still smoothing across her skin. “Yeah, good thing.”

“I guess we should get this conversation out of the way–seeing as we probably should have had it last week.”

I tense up, all of a sudden nervous, knowing what I need to confess. “Yeah, probably a good idea. Was that . . . okay? Hormones make it easy to act like irresponsible teenagers.” I chuckle, trying to ease the tension in my chest and joking like this is a poor decision I’ve made with anyone else. I’ve never not used a condom. It’s advice my mentor gave me as soon as I sold my first app that I took very seriously. You can’t trust anyone, he told me on repeat, especially when this amount of money is involved. But Brooke is different. I know it. It’s why I want to have this conversation with her even though I’ve never had it with anyone.

Her laugh vibrates against my chest. “Yeah. But I meant what I said the first time. I’m not on birth control because that shit fucks you up. But I’m really regular. And religious about tracking my cycle.”

“Even though you haven’t had sex in three years?” I worry maybe I remembered that tidbit of information wrong.

She nods against me, and I breathe and sigh of relief. “Yeah. I mean I always use condoms too. But. Ummm. Actually…” The tension is back, but this time I feel it in her too.

“What?” I encourage her with another brush of my thumb against her cheek.

She cuddles into me more, intertwining her leg with mine. Suddenly, I’m reassured because whatever she’s about to say, she’s nervous, but leaning in instead of away. She takes a breath. “I don’t want to get pregnant. Not just now. Ever.”

I take a second to process. “You don’t want kids?”

She shakes her head slowly, looking at me, her eyes filled with trepidation. “No. I don’t.” She takes a breath. “Look, I know this can be a dealbreaker, and I totally understand if–”

I cut her off by tipping her face toward mine and pressing a kiss to her lips. I pull back just enough to whisper, “I don’t want kids either.”

Her eyes widen, and she pulls away from me, sitting up. “Really?”

I chuckle, the tension dissipating. “I was about to tell you the same thing.”

“Really?” she repeats.

“Yeah. I love my sister. I’ll be the best fucking uncle when Dean has a kid. But every time I set goals and intentions for my life, kids are never part of it.”

“Even after you reach all the other goals you’ve set?” I can’t tell if she’s testing me or checking my sincerity.

“I’m already so far gone for you, Brooke Fields. I’ll give you anything you ever want or need within the realm of possibility. Except this.”

She brushes her fingers over my abs and the sensation of her skin fluttering across mine sends a rush through my entire body. “I can’t believe it,” she mutters.

I freeze, panic rising in me again. “I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t be fair for me to keep that from you if it’s something you were set on.”