Taking a step toward me, he reaches for the cupcake. “Uh-uh.” I move it behind my back, a grin on my face.
My eyes follow his redirected reach to the pink plastic tubing lawn chair, its back facing the tree that separates us from our houses. It sits next to a matching blue one, both cracked and worn from years of use. He picks up my new book. “Is this what you want?” He smirks, holding it out for me, a stream of light from the setting sun fighting its way through the trees to glimmer in the space between us.
I nod in admittance as we make the swap.
“Thanks, Coop.” My eyes run over the sketched purple palm trees on the cover excitedly. This book is at the top of my list.
“You look especially excited about this one,” he notes.
Biting into my lip nervously, I debate what to tell him. These discreet covers make it so easy to mislead people. “Yeah . . . it’s my first one that has actual spicy scenes in it.”
His eyebrows scrunch in confusion.
“Sex scenes,” I clarify, my skin heating from saying the word aloud.
He chuckles. “Oh, I assumed all the ones I got you did.”
“How do you decide which book to get me anyway?” I look up for his answer right as he takes a typical teenage boy sized bite of his cupcake.
He chews and swallows, licking the cream cheese frosting off his lips before answering. “Usually it’s random. But the guy in this one is named Cooper, so it won.”
“Great, how am I supposed to not think about you during the sex scenes then?” The thought slips out of me, followed by my heart lodging itself in my throat. I did not mean to say that aloud. I go to take it back, but he’s quicker in his response.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He shrugs and nonchalantly shoves the other half of his cupcake in his mouth.
I stare, his gaze caught in mine, and my stomach flips, awakening an eclipse of moths. Is he serious? Did he mean that as a joke? Which way am I hoping for? I know seeing Cooper as more than my friend has crossed my mind, but it’s an idea I don’t let invade my thoughts when I can help it. He’s more than two years older, first-string on the football team, one of the most popular guys in school and about to leave for college. Not to mention I’m sure he’s far more experienced than I am. I’m the quiet girl who reads at lunch and has two friends. I’m happy enough with my book boyfriends anyway. And again, one-sided feelings wouldn’t make for a good relationship.
“Don’t get shy on me, Soph.” He laughs, watching me lost and awkward in thought.
“I am shy,” I whisper, my eyes darting to the dirt.
“Not with me, you’re not. I’m the person who buys you sex books.”
“They aren’t sex books,” I defend, folding my arms across my chest.
“There’s sex in this one.” He nods to the book tucked under my arm.
“Well, yes, but–”
“Nope, no buts. If there’s sex in them, they are sex books.”
I look at my fingers where they tug on the ends of my dirty blonde curls. He’s always been a straightforward kind of person, and we’ve always been open with each other but never forward about this kind of thing.
“Is it weird to you, talking about sex with me?” He wraps his fingers around my wrist, tugging me to our plastic chairs. “Sophie?” he says when I don’t reply.
“Yeah. Umm. I don’t know. It’s kind of weird.”
“Why?” He leans back in his chair, digging his heels into the ground to keep from falling over as he tips the chair and himself backward.
“I feel like only people in relationships talk about it.”
“Pretty sure friends talk about it too.”
“Yeah, but it’s you. And I’m me.”
“What does that mean?” He chuckles.
I drop my book to my lap, my hands covering my face in embarrassment, my skin flush underneath. My best friend Chastity told me the sex scenes in this book are really good. I’ve never had sex before, but now I’m imagining what it would be like with Cooper, and I’m worried my body’s reaction will spill my secret. “I don’t know. Maybe you don’t want to hear about that kind of stuff from me. I wouldn’t even know what I’m talking about.” I’m not even sure he can hear my voice muffled through my hands.