Cooper meets me where I’m at, and as soon as his dad walks out of our line of sight with a box of things from his G-Wagon, I’m pinned against the car. Cooper presses his lips against mine, one of his hands on the nape of my neck and the other gripping the fabric of my dress at my hip. His kiss is more intense than usual, my body heating as his tongue swipes across my lip until I give him the access he requests.

When he breaks our kiss, I’m nearly out of breath. Pulling back from my lips, he leans to whisper in my ear, “Just wanted to make it clear that you have the same effect on me that I seem to have on you.”

Damn him for being able to read me so well. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Cooper Allen Montgomery.” I flutter my eyelashes and spin out of his grip before skipping into the house.

Cooper’s mom, Melissa, and I spent most of the day helping the boys make their house how they wanted it–plain and colorless, with only the necessities. To them, that means beds, dressers, TVs, video games and all thirteen of Cooper’s signs with funny sayings he insisted we hang around the kitchen. The one I got him today as a house warming present hangs on the wall in between the kitchen and the living room. It’s black and white and says, “Education is important, but football is importanter.” He was so excited, going on about how well I know him. I’m not sure I’m anything special. He’s not that hard to please, but I’m happy to be the one to do it.

By the time the signs are hung, furniture is assembled, boxes are unpacked, we’ve gone to Target twice–after convincing the boys they needed to own a set of dishware instead of a Costco sized pack of paper plates–and ate dinner, it’s 7 p.m. Cooper’s parents left a few minutes ago, and Troy and Emily disappeared into Troy’s room. I’m finishing loading the dishwasher when Cooper calls me from his room.


I dry my hands on one of the new black kitchen towels before making my way to Cooper’s new space. I’ve been in his room at his parents’ house a few times, but it’s never been a place we hang out. This feels different. The only things in here right now are his bed frame and bed with new navy blue bedding and his dresser that doubles as a TV stand.

As soon as I walk through the door, Cooper pulls me into his arms and steps us backward a few paces before reaching out and shoving the door hard enough for it to click closed. “Finally, I have you all to myself.”

I smile against his lips. I can’t believe two weeks ago I had never kissed anyone, and now it’s one of my favorite things. Though, it might have something to do specifically with Cooper. It’s insane it took us so long to take this step in our relationship. It feels so natural being together. “We have our own space now. I’m excited.”

“Oh yeah? What do you want to do with our new freedom?” He grins, pulling away to flick on the TV and turn off the lights. “Our show isn’t on for another two hours. Oh. I saw That Awkward Moment got added to Netflix. I know how much you like Zac Efron,” he teases.

“I had that poster when I was twelve. Are you ever going to let me live it down?” I roll my eyes.

“Nope,” he pops the P. “Never.” He grins before backing me up to his bed. My body sinks into the mattress as he lowers me onto it. He hovers over me, framing my face as he leans on his forearms–his hot football player forearms.

“Well, I have a new crush now,” I flirt, looking up at him. “And I’m hoping he wants to do more than watch a movie.” I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to be more bold around Cooper. All the glances he’s been sneaking at me all day and flashes of his fingers running over my thigh this morning are probably fueling my desire too. How much he wants me makes me want him that much more.

“I love how you are around me,” he whispers against my lips before he kisses me.

“Me too. Hey, Coop?” I run my fingers over the hem of his T-shirt, my heart racing.

“Hmm?” The sound vibrates against my lips in another kiss.

“Ummm . . .”

He rolls onto the bed, propping himself up on his arm as I turn slightly toward him. He reaches to tuck a fallen curl behind my ear then rubs his thumb across my cheek. I feel so safe with him, so comfortable. He doesn’t push me to say whatever’s on my mind. He just waits patiently now that he’s realized I have something serious to say.

“This morning . . . in the car . . . you had your hand on my leg.”

“Was that okay?” he worries. “I’ve done it a few times, I think.”

“Yeah . . . it’s just, this time felt different.”

“Different how?”

“I think I’m ready.” I pause. “For more.” I hope he catches my drift. “Are you?”

“If you’re sure you are,” he answers without hesitation. “What do you want?”

“Umm. I don’t know.” My voice is hardly audible above the banter on the TV. “Maybe for you to touch me.” Nerves ricochet around my stomach, the moving light on the screen flickering across his face. “Can we start there?”

“Have you done that before? You know, with yourself?”

I shake my head and feel my cheeks heat.

“Don’t you ever get turned on by your books?” He speaks like this conversation doesn’t make him uncomfortable at all. It makes me feel more brave about it.

“Yeah, a little . . . but . . .”

“But what?”