She pins her hand to the door frame, preventing either of us through without force but locks her eyes on me. “You’ll get her home safe?”

“Of course I will. Let me through. Please.”

She sighs. “Good luck.” She lets me duck under her arm then kicks her foot out to keep Sophie’s dad away. Thank fuck for that.

I spot Sophie immediately. She’s walking toward the bar from the bathroom hallway. The strap of her green sundress is falling off her shoulder and her curls are tied back into a sloppy ponytail. I don’t notice JT until his arm snakes around her waist, pulling her close to him.

The whole scene makes my stomach flip like an undercooked pancake. I bolt toward them, but before I can get close enough to punch him again, Sophie shoves him away. “Don’t touch me again,” she snaps so clearly I wonder if she’s actually that drunk. But then she haphazardly tries to adjust her dress strap, only for it to slide right off her shoulder, and she doesn’t even notice. My chuckle brings both of their attention to me.

“Cooper!” She leaps into my arms. I barely have time to react but catch her as her arms loop around my neck. She leans backward, hanging all her weight on me, and I can’t help but smile as I keep us stable. There’s a drunk, but dreamy look in her eyes, when she says, “My hero. But don’t be fooled. If you hadn’t already punched him, I totally could have taken him.”

I brush my fingers against her lower back, pulling her to me. “You totally could. You ready to go?”

Her eyes lock on mine as if she’s seeing me for the first time tonight. “Hi. You’re here.”

“I am.” I chuckle. “You’re really drunk, huh?”

She sighs. “Yeah, Chastity and I did a lot of celebrating about me standing up to JT. Fuck him, ya know? How could I ever want him when you exist? How could I want anyone when you exist? You know what I’m saying?”

“I know exactly what you’re saying.” Finally she understands. We stand for at least a minute in the middle of the bar, me just holding her and relishing in the warmth of her body, her with her eyes on me, seemingly oblivious to how much time passes. “Are you ready to go home?”

“Yes, please.” Her arm wraps around my waist, her head leaning on my shoulder as I walk us toward the exit. She pulls an arm away to stick her middle finger in the air, turning her head back for a moment–presumably to see if JT caught the bird she’s flipping him.

My precious girl. I’ve only ever heard her curse a couple of times in my life, and here she is giving no fucks.

Sophie glances up at me. “I want to go home with you,” she slurs against my chest. The cool night air hits us as I push open the glass door, and a shiver runs through her. “Oh, wait. I forgot I’m hanging out with Chastity,” she says, spotting her best friend where she’s still holding Jack captive outside.

Ethan reaches the entrance right in time for round two of the chaos. His eyes skirt across the scene as I catch his attention. “Hey, man. I’m going to take Sophie home. I’m sorry I’m bailing.” I know he’ll understand. I turn to Chastity. “Do you need a ride?”

“Actually, I kind of wanted to stay.” She glances at Ethan. They aren’t really friends, but they’ve partied together a few times. “I’m not Cooper, but you can keep me company if you’d like.”

“Let’s do it.” He doesn’t hesitate or ask questions about what’s going on or add to the drama. He’s the kind of brother who makes me thankful I joined my fraternity, despite my reservations. He always just goes with the flow and has my back.

Sophie hugs Chastity, eying her dad with curiosity over her shoulder. Chastity thanks me for coming as she releases Sophie and links her arm with Ethan’s, tugging him inside.

“I’ll take Sophie from here,” Jack demands, reaching for his daughter.

Sophie pulls away, her head following her eyes as she looks between us. “Who thought it was a good choice to call Dad?” she whines.

“I am the right choice,” he says. “You’re coming home with me.”

Sophie raises a very drunk and over dramatic eyebrow at him. I have to bite back a laugh. “No. I’m not. I pick Cooper. Just like I should have the first time. None of this would have happened if I hadn’t let you get to me before.”

A rush of relief flows through me, and I reach for her again. She smiles up at me. “Also I’m choosing you because your bed is more comfy. Oh! And you have that pillow you got for me. And because you have pizza at home.”

“Okay, Soph. I’ll make you pizza rolls.” Jack tries to object, but I cut him off. “I’m taking her home. I haven’t had anything to drink, and I’ll take care of her. Whether you like it or not, I love her, and you know I would never let something bad happen to her.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He glares. “She’s vulnerable right now.”

“Actually, she’s been standing up for herself all night. She doesn’t need me. She definitely doesn’t need you.”

“I sure do want you, though,” Sophie chimes in, her adorable drunkenness lightening the situation.

Jack’s stern gaze shifts between the two of us. “No.” He reaches for his daughter again.

I step toward the man who unfortunately will be my father-in-law someday, blocking him from Sophie as she clings to my arm. “Yes,” I say firmly. I turn toward my girl, bending slightly to level with her. “Let’s go home,” I whisper.

“This isn’t over,” Jack snarks behind me.