Page 46 of Fractured Reunion

Most people, especially those outside the medical field didn’t have that flexibility.

“I’m glad.” Dr. Starland patted her arm. “It was nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Maggie turned to head back inside Joey’s room. Now that things were moving in the right direction, it was time to clear the rest of her schedule back in Boston.

And submit her resignation.

It was a huge step, but one that was necessary. She wanted to fight for the right to be Joey’s foster mother with the hope of adopting him. She couldn’t do that from a thousand miles away.

It wasn’t until almost four o’clock in the afternoon that Joey’s discharge from Children’s Memorial was finalized. Krista had arrived once Ms. Douglas approved the Monroes as Joey’s temporary foster family. And shortly after that, Aaron strode in.

“What can I do to help?” he asked.

“I purchased a child safety seat, but it’s still in the box,” Krista said. “If you could unpack it and get it set up in the back seat of my SUV, I’d appreciate it.”

“Of course. Where is your car?” Aaron held out his hand for the keys.

“I’ll reimburse you for the child safety seat,” Maggie said, after Aaron had left to do Krista’s bidding.

Krista shook her head. “Not necessary. We’ll need it eventually anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Maggie didn’t follow.

“I’m pregnant,” Krista confided. “But it’s early, so we’re not going to announce to the rest of the family yet.”

“Congratulations.” Maggie braced herself for the twinge of envy, but it didn’t come. “Does Adam know?”

“Yes, he was there this morning as I took the test,” Krista said with a smile. “And I think he told Aaron too.” She wrinkled her nose. “I guess our plan to keep the news a secret isn’t working out too well.”

“You make the announcement when you’re ready,” Maggie said. “Having been through many miscarriages, it’s probably better to wait.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” Krista caught Maggie’s hand. “That must have been difficult.”

“It was, but I’ve come to accept God’s plan for me.” She bent to help Joey into the new clothes she’d bought from the gift shop. They were pajamas, but she thought the elastic waistband was the best option considering his incision. “I’m at peace now.”

Leaving the hospital with Krista and Joey felt surreal. She glanced at Krista as they hiked toward the employee parking structure. “I should have asked if you’re sure about this. And about me staying with you.”

Krista waved that off. “We’re sure. And I offered, remember? I heard Aaron is bringing dinner tonight too.” She hesitated, then asked, “How are you and Aaron doing?”

“He wants to talk later tonight, after Joey falls asleep.” Maggie sighed. “I guess we should have a conversation about how things went wrong. But I don’t want him to feel like he owes me something because of Joey.”

Krista was quiet for a moment. “Adam and I have only been married for six months, but we’ve known each other longer than that. One thing I’ve learned is that the Monroe men tend to hold back their feelings. It often takes them time to verbalize them in a way that makes sense.” She shrugged. “I’d say give Aaron a chance. Maybe he’s learned from his mistakes.”

Maggie nodded. “They’re not all his mistakes; I made them too.”

“Ah, the hallmark of a true relationship,” Krista said in a light tone. “Accepting that it takes two to make things work is more than half the battle.”

That was more difficult under the stress of infertility, but Maggie kept that to herself as they reached the parking structure. Aaron backed out of the SUV, a large grin on his features. “It was like putting a complicated jigsaw puzzle together, but I did it!”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure there were instructions in the box,” Krista said. “Thanks, though.”

“I’ll head out to grab the food and meet you back at your place.” Aaron stepped back so that Maggie could get Joey into the safety seat.

“Sounds good.” Maggie found herself looking forward to seeing Aaron later. A vastly different feeling than she’d had on Friday at the medical conference when he’d come outside to talk to her. A reunion that seemed like weeks ago rather than days.

Adam and Krista lived in a beautiful home in Brookland, which wasn’t that far from where Aaron lived. There were four bedrooms, but one wasn’t furnished yet. “This is going to be our nursery,” Krista confided. “You can have one guest room, and we’ll put Joey in the other.”

Joey seemed disappointed there was no television in his room like there was at the hospital, but he was easily distracted by the very large television in the living room. Maggie knew she’d have her work cut out for her, getting Joey outside to play rather than staying inside to watch television.