Page 38 of Fractured Reunion

“Really?” Rochelle looked surprised. “I only heard about Krista Monroe, nothing about your application. I can check into that for you, but the process of becoming a foster parent takes time. It’s rarely approved any quicker than six weeks.”

Tears pricked Maggie’s eyes, but she brushed them away. “I understand. I just hoped that for Joey’s sake…” What could she say? That she’d hoped being an anesthesiologist would send her application to the top of the pile? That she believed she was more qualified than any of the other foster parents out there?

Not just because of her medical background but because she already loved the little boy like a son?

“Ms. Dall, I can appreciate how you feel,” Rochelle said gently. “I’ll mention your application to the caseworker, but in my humble opinion, Krista and Adam Monroe have a better chance of getting emergency placement for Joey. Especially since they both have medical background and can deal with his recent surgery.”

She hadn’t corrected Rochelle in using the title of Ms. instead of Dr., but it was tempting. “I’m a physician too,” she said. “But I understand what you’re saying. I will, of course, abide by the CPS caseworker’s decision of where to place Joey after his discharge.”

“Great.” Rochelle looked relieved.

“Maggie! Maggie!” Hearing her name, Maggie jumped to her feet and ran out of the lounge toward Joey’s room. She barreled inside, her heart wrenching when she found him sobbing. “I thought you left me.”

“No, Joey, I’m here.” She gathered him close. “I’m sorry I was gone longer than I expected.”

He wrapped his arms tightly around her neck. “You’ll stay wif me, right?”

“Yes, Joey. I’m staying.” She couldn’t bring herself to let him know that he’d be going home with someone else. Thankfully, Krista had agreed she could accompany the little boy to help him make the transition.

But for how long? That was the most important question. She didn’t care how much of her vacation time she’d have to burn or how many favors she’d need to call upon to help cover her shifts.

But even as that thought formed in her mind, it dawned on her that Joey might not accept Krista’s role in his life as long as Maggie was there to comfort him. He’d keep leaning on her rather than establishing new bonds.

She pressed a kiss to the top of Joey’s head, deciding she needed input from the child psychologist now more than ever. The little boy’s hysterical meltdown at being left alone reminded her of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Something no child should have to suffer.

Then again, as much as Joey had lost, other kids suffered worse at the hands of their parents or guardians. Closing her eyes, she lifted her heart in prayer.

Please, Lord Jesus, keep Joey safe in Your care. Let Thy will be done. Amen.

Joey relaxed against her. She rocked him back and forth, murmuring words of comfort. After fifteen minutes, he turned his head so that he could continue to watch the children’s movie that was playing on the screen. Another one she’d never seen before. Then again, other than caring for kids in a hospital setting, she hadn’t cared for them at home.

No doubt, she had a lot to learn.

She consoled herself with the thought that most new parents had to learn the best way to handle taking care of their kids too. No child came with an instruction manual.

“Maggie?” She glanced over to see Aaron standing in the doorway.

“Hi.” She had expected him to show up sooner or later. “I heard Chism’s condition has been stabilized.”

“Yep.” Aaron moved into the room, his green gaze softening at the sight of Joey snuggled in her arms. “I hate to bother you, but he wants to talk to you.”

“Who? Chism?” She frowned. “Why on earth would he want that?”

Aaron shrugged. “Not sure. But I told Officer Thomas I’d come up to ask if you’d mind going down to see him.” When she didn’t immediately answer, he added, “It’s up to you, but I think it’s worth it to hear what the guy has to say.”

“You do?” She shook her head. “I don’t know if that’s a smart idea.”

“I doubt he’ll be disrespectful with Officer Thomas hovering nearby,” Aaron said.

“He’s not the one I’m worried about.” She held his gaze for a long moment. “I may say something I’ll regret. Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t regret it, but my comments might come back to haunt me.”

The corner of Aaron’s mouth kicked up in a smile. “I share your sentiments, but I’ll make sure no one records the conversation.”

She glanced down at Joey, loathe to disturb him. But a sense of obligation nagged at her. “Joey, will you be okay here if I have to run downstairs for a few minutes?” She smoothed his hair away from his forehead. “I won’t be gone long, and I’ll come right back here when I’m finished.”

Joey lifted his head to look at her. “You won’t leave without me?”