I wonder what that feels like.

Not that my family doesn’t love me, they do, but there’s something special about family built beyond the bonds of blood and obligation.

Blake gives me a gentle smile before stepping out of the doorway. Langston Phillips steps through the door, a frown on his face but curiosity shining in his eyes. My eyes sweep over him, and he looks a lot better than the last pictures I saw of him.

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can only hope that I don’t fan girl hard and embarrass myself. I might even cross my fingers and send up a little prayer, but I make keep that to myself.



For the last twenty minutes I’ve been eyeing the woman in front of me with wariness wrapped around me like a blanket. She’s bright-eyed and full of hope, that’s for sure. And she’s gorgeous.

Her body is all curves that make my mouth water. The way her blue eyes seem to twinkle along with the awe written on her face makes me want to shield her from the realty of the world we live in. But can I really do that?

I wasn’t able to shield myself or protect my best friend from the demons nipping at our heels because of the way fame causes danger and destruction to loom around you. This woman, Cove, sparkles and shines, but am I worthy to bask in her light?

I don’t think I am even though I wish things were different.

Am I even in the right place to really be interested in this woman? We’re supposed to be working together, but my gut is screaming at me that I want so much more with her. The moment I walked into the cabin and saw her, it felt like I was being struck by a damn lightning bolt.

All I could see was her. I’m not sure how many throat clearings I ignored before I realized the people around me were trying to get my attention to introduce me to the woman in front of me. Watching a blush color her cheeks has my cock twitching behind the fly of my jeans.

I wanted her instantly, there was no denying that, but there was something deeper seeping into my soul. Something that had me twisted up and wanting to reach for her even before I knew her name.

When Elliot stepped forward, his eyes assessing me, I wanted to shrink away from him. Not because I wasn’t sober, because I took drying out fucking seriously, but it felt like he was looking much deeper than that.

I held my hand up, not caring about the audience. “I’m good,” I assured him. “I don’t know how well the music is going to go, but I’m ready to try.”

He nodded once before stepping back and toward the blonde bombshell that I was trying not to look at. “Good to hear, man. That’s why Cove is here. This is a chance for both of you. She’s an amazing songwriter and this is her chance for her to really show us what she’s got. This is her first chance to work with someone, but we think this will be a good fit.”

I wanted to sneer at the man and ask him why I needed an untried babysitter, but the words died on my tongue. With a curt nod, I turned toward the woman while my gut screamed at me to find out everything about her.

“This is Cove,” Gavin stepped forward and introduced us.


Her name was a peaceful balm to my soul. It soothed something that had been raging inside of me for a long time.

While we were being given a tour, I kept stealing glances at Cove. It was hard not to watch the way her eyes lit up and filled with awe with every room we saw. There was something so innocent about her expression. I wanted to protect that in her, even though I had no idea where that feeling was coming from.

The front door closing is loud as I stand in the living room with Cove. The emptiness around us seems to reverberate with the reminder that the buffers between us are now gone. As Cove starts to twist her fingers together, it becomes very clear she’s just as aware of the fact that we’re alone as I am.


When was the last time I was as instantly entranced by a woman as I’ve been today?

Honestly, I can’t even remember. And isn’t that a fucking shame?

Being in the limelight and experiencing all the fame with the rise to stardom that I did with Langley, the band I started with Conley, jaded me in more ways than I even realized. Sure, we touched on my womanizing ways in treatment and how it helped to numb everything along with alcohol, but meeting Cove, somehow, brings the reality of it all into focus.

A war wages inside of me when I look at Cove. She’s gorgeous, innocent, and a little shy. Part of me burns with the knowledge that the chance I have in front of me to start the next chapter in my life rests on the untested and inexperienced shoulders of the woman in front of me. Leaning into the sliver of resentment twisting through me feels a lot fucking easier than admitting I’m captivated by the woman in front of me.

A hell of a lot easier.

“The studio was really cool, huh?” Cove’s voice is small and hesitant as she pulls my attention back to her; not that it’s difficult. I have no doubt that we could be in a stadium full of people and the only person I would be aware of is her. “I hope I don’t break anything,” her voice wobbles a little as she tries to make a joke.

Her smile wavers as I stare at her, unsure of how to respond to her. My hands itch to reach for her and pull her against my chest.