Sazahk raised an eyebrow. “You’re not. But your recitation of the correct polite phrase is noted.”

Well, he fucking wasn’t looking forward to working with the man now! Garin inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. “Thank you.”

He tried not to be extra offended by having his handshake rejected. Shaking hands was a Human gesture. He shouldn’t have led with that.

Before Garin thought of a way to continue the conversation, Fal’ran, who Garin had met briefly and rather liked, grabbed Sazahk and pulled him into a hug. “Be safe out there, Sazahk.”

The rest of Squad M crowded around their scientist, and Garin turned awkwardly away from the spectacle of their affectionate goodbyes. None of them got any cutting remarks, but maybe Sazahk had already doled those out when he’d first met them.

Maybe Sazahk was always prickly and cold with new people.

Or maybe Sazahk just didn’t like him.

“Well, goodbye.” Dom shifted his weight from his left to his right side and offered Garin a weak smile. “And good luck out there.”

Garin considered for a moment, decided it would do Dom more good than harm, and pulled the younger man into an abrupt embrace.

Dom tensed so hard Garin expected his spine to crack. Garin would bet his annual salary Alistair Turner had never hugged his boys. And since their mother had left when they were toddlers and never bothered to see them since, Garin would bet his Turner Corporation stock options she hadn’t been much of a hugger either.

No wonder Dom and Oliver were so fucked up.

Garin tightened his grip. “Goodbye, Dom. For the love of god, be safe.”

Finally, Dom softened and returned the hug with surprisingly enthusiastic strength. “I will. And I’ll check in with Beaty every day.”

Garin pulled back and clapped Dom on the shoulder. “Thank you.”

“Garin, you got a minute?” Patrick Smith touched Garin’s elbow, and at Garin’s nod lead him slightly away from the group. “I really appreciate you doing this.”

“I understand it’s an important mission.” Garin slipped comfortably into a frank seriousness in the presence of another military man.

“It is.” Smith nodded. “I know that doesn’t need to be said again. But it’s personally important to Sazahk as well, and that means something to me.”

Garin glanced at the qesh. He was speaking to Dom now that Garin was out of his way, light green and yellow spiraling up his long neck. “What’s the significance for him?”

“I’m not sure.” Smith followed Garin’s gaze and watched Sazahk with a frown. “But it’s something. There are demons under that strange exterior.” Smith put a hand on Garin’s back and shifted their bodies to shield their conversation. “And to be honest, I’m not exactly sure how they’ll come out during this mission.”

Garin dropped his voice. “You think he’ll try something out there?”

“I wouldn’t count it out.”

Well, didn’t this mission keep getting better and better? “What kind of something? Sabotage? Espionage?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Smith shook his head. “He’s not one of the bad guys.”

“Whoever those are.” Every major power Garin had ever seen had spent some time in the bad guy role.

Smith tipped his chin to concede Garin’s point and moved on. “I’m more worried about recklessness. Self-preservation isn’t Sazahk’s greatest priority.”

Garin snorted. “Yeah, I’d guessed.” Still, he felt compelled to give the qesh his due. “If it was, he wouldn’t be volunteering for this at all. Much less champing at the bit.”

“And that’s why we’re lucky to have him.” Smith grinned crookedly. “He?—”

“Hey! Tight ass!”

Garin looked back in confusion and stared at the small klah’eel, Bar’in, as he waved. It took Garin a full two seconds to realize the man was addressing him. Tight ass? The hell had Garin done to deserve that?

But Garin didn’t have time to waste fighting the nickname. Bar’in jerked a thumb toward the gate. “You’d better catch up!”