Page 51 of The Alien Scientist

“Tell me if it’s too much.” Sazahk stroked Garin’s pucker and listened to his whines. Each one of them had a direct line to his own arousal, making him leak enough to soak the front of his underwear.

“It won’t be.” Garin shook his head, his face in the blankets and his forehead braced on his forearms.

So confident. So stubborn. He probably never gave in to anything. Sazahk added more jelly to the slippery mess of Garin’s hole and pressed his third finger in beside his second.

Garin groaned as Sazahk’s fingers filled him and he fisted his hands in the blankets. Sweat appeared on his brow and along his shoulder blades. His inner walls fluttered around Sazahk’s digits and when Sazahk rubbed his prostate, they clenched hard.

Goddess, that was going to feel amazing. Sazahk squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his chin as early bliss tightened his lower belly. The hardest part wouldn’t be making Garin’s body sing, it would be holding off his own release until he had.

Sazahk’s anatomy had never responded to another person like this. It hadn’t even responded to Garin like this when they’d first met. Sazahk kept up a steady pace in and out of Garin’s hole, brushing his prostate and stretching his rim while Garin slowly relaxed around him. But now he watched Garin writhe beneath him and his chest tightened with so much emotion it hurt, and arousal so potent it felt dangerous swirled within it.

“Sazahk.” Garin reached his arm out in front of him and clawed at the dirt as his hips rutted into the ground below them. “Please. Just do it already.”

Sazahk covered Garin’s hand with his free one and laced their fingers together. “Are you sure?”

Garin gasped a disbelieving laugh. “You hate to be asked if you’re sure.”

Sazahk traced his nose up Garin’s neck and kissed the hollow under his ear. “I’m about to enter your body in one of the most intimate and vulnerable acts our species can engage in.” Garin shivered against him and Sazahk soothed his thumb along Garin’s rim. “You have to be sure.”

Garin hid his face in the blankets and made a quiet sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper. “I’m sure.”

Sazahk closed his eyes against the torrent of hunger and fondness that flooded his throat. He swallowed it down and opened them again, then tugged on Garin’s hand. “Lie on your back.”

Garin’s eyes flew open, and he turned his face to look into Sazahk’s with a hopeful expression that knocked the breath from Sazahk’s lungs. “Really?”

“Of course, really.” Sazahk slipped his fingers free of Garin’s loose rim and raised himself up to his knees to undo his own pants.

Sazahk wasn’t about to make Garin lie face down and take Sazahk’s cock like nothing more than a vaguely enticing hole. The man needed to touch. He needed to anchor himself. And if his constant cries of Sazahk’s name were anything to go by, he needed to know it was another person making him feel good. He needed connection even if it was artificially created by millions of years of evolution designed to keep pack animals together for the sake of survival.

Garin flipped onto his back and stared up at Sazahk, his green irises bright around dilated pupils and his chest flushed. Sazahk traced that flush down to the rough trail of hair along his lower abs, then to his erect cock, curving up toward his belly and dripping pre-cum onto his skin.

“Taking mental notes for your writeup?” Garin licked his lips and grinned, but with a trace of nervousness. Baffling. How Garin could possibly be nervous about displaying his body still eluded Sazahk.

“Yes.” Sazahk shucked his pants off and kicked them away. “You’re a stunning male specimen of the human species, and your display of arousal is duly impressive.”

“I…You…” Garin squirmed and ducked his head but looked up at Sazahk through his lashes. “Thanks.” His eyes traced down Sazahk’s chest, which swirled with dark green and brown, and lingered on his hips where Sazahk’s cock stood erect. “You’re a stunning specimen yourself.”

“I’m not.” Sazahk reclaimed his position between Garin’s thighs. “I am exactly average for my species in almost all metrics.”

Garin threw back his head and laughed and Sazahk filed the warm sound away in his memory, never to be forgotten if he could help it. Loss spiked through him and burned the scar on the back of his neck as he mourned the loss of his implant like a limb. A limb that would have allowed him to keep this memory instead of letting it corrode into a facsimile like all natural memories eventually did.

He fought through the negative feelings and re-laced his fingers with Garin’s. He pinned Garin’s hand down beside his head, pressing their palms together. “What amused you?”

“You’re the furthest fucking thing from average I’ve ever met Sazahk.” Garin grinned up at him.

“I can provide evidence when we return to the compound and regain access to communications.” Sazahk took Garin’s free hand and brought it to his cheek again, before scooping up a generous handful of jelly and spreading it up and down his length. He’d lubricated Garin’s entrance well, but he didn’t want to risk any unnecessary unpleasantness. Then he hooked Garin’s thigh up over his hip. “After we come to a conclusion on whether you enjoy being fucked.”

Garin inhaled sharply and clutched Sazahk’s hand where it pressed his into the ground beside his head. “I do.”

“That’s my hypothesis.” Sazahk shuffled closer and slid his hand down the back of Garin’s thigh to his ass. Heat radiated off his every inch and Sazahk forgot for a moment what it felt like to be cold. He spread Garin’s cheek and held him still as he pressed forward. “But it needs to be tested.”

“Oh god.” Garin’s hand pushed into Sazahk’s hair when Sazahk’s tip caught on his rim. “Please.” Garin’s entrance quivered against him. “Just—just go, please.”

“I will.” Sazahk pushed and his cockhead forced its way into Garin’s loose hole. “I will.”

“Oh, shit.” Garin’s grip on Sazahk spasmed. “Oh god, Sazahk, you—you’re?—”

“Inside you,” Sazahk murmured when his head popped past Garin’s ring, tremors of euphoria shaking through him. Goddess, the man felt good. Sazahk hissed when Garin clenched. He felt even better when he did that. Sazahk rested his forehead on Garin’s and stroked his thigh as his rim spasmed. “Relax.”