Page 49 of The Alien Scientist

“Saz—oh fuck.” Garin’s fingers pulled in Sazahk’s hair and his whole body seized when Sazahk sucked that nipple into his mouth.

Garin liked sex on the knife’s edge of painful. Sazahk kept one hand braced on the ground to hold himself up as he laved attention on Garin’s sensitive bud and reached the other into his underwear. He liked to be overwhelmed and to squirm and to beg. It hadn’t just been the aphrodisiac; it was Garin.

Sazahk fondled Garin’s hard cock and balls, then released his nipple and kissed down his abs.

“Sazahk, are you?—”

“Don’t ask me if I’m sure again.”

Sazahk ducked under the blankets and descended into the dark of the sleeping bag, still touching and toying with Garin’s most intimate parts. Garin’s hands followed him, tangling in his hair, petting his cheeks and his ears and his jaw, but never straying toward his neck.

Garin’s thighs shook as Sazahk pulled his pants and underwear to below his knees, where he had to let Garin kick them off himself in the tight quarters. With Garin bare, the heat of his human body filled the small space of the sleeping bag and Sazahk slipped between his legs and nuzzled into the hot V of his hips.

Days of travel with bathing limited to the hygiene wipes Garin had packed in his infinite preparedness should have made the smell of his body off-putting at best and intolerable at worst, but either Sazahk’s arousal had hijacked his olfactory perception or Garin’s pheromones were special because Sazahk’s mouth watered at the musk that surrounded him and his own cock drooled in his underwear.

Sazahk dragged his nose down the crease of Garin’s thigh to his balls and tasted his pulsing sack. Garin moaned above him, and his thighs spread wide, giving Sazahk more room to maneuver as he licked firmly.

Garin’s body crunched forward as a breath punched out of him, shooting hunger into Sazahk’s belly. He’d liked that. Sazahk hooked an arm around the back of Garin’s thigh and drew it over his shoulder, spreading Garin’s balls and taint before him.

“Sazahk.” Garin’s hips twitched toward him, and his fingers shook in Sazahk’s hair.

He was so eager. So eager and so patient and so quick to deny himself, when he deserved everything Sazahk could give him.

Sazahk mouthed one of Garin’s balls, licking and sucking and rolling it on his tongue. Garin moaned again and tangled his fingers in Sazahk’s hair, but he didn’t move him. He didn’t push or pull. He took what Sazahk gave him and basked in it.

Sazahk had discovered this spot before, the one right along the seam of Garin’s sack. Tonguing along it made him twist and tense and when alternated with open-mouthed kisses on his balls Garin swung between lax in bliss and spun up tight with the promise of it.

How far did the spot extend? Sazahk dragged the tip of his tongue down that seam to the smooth place behind his sack, and Garin’s thighs flexed on either side of him.

Sazahk’s cock kicked at the memory of Garin’s hole clenching around his finger and of Garin with his head thrown back, keening as Sazahk had penetrated him. He groaned against Garin’s taint and reached between his own legs to palm himself.

He had to get inside him again. If only to know if Garin liked it as much when he was in his right mind. Because Sazahk needed to know. Even if he never got another opportunity to put the knowledge into practice, he needed to know what Garin liked.

Sazahk rubbed the tip of his tongue into Garin’s taint, and Garin’s strangled cry was all the encouragement Sazahk needed. Garin liked to have his prostate played with. Sazahk filed the knowledge away in his growing mental folder of all things Garin.

Desperate to get started, Sazahk sucked a path up Garin’s balls to the base of his shaft. When his tongue touched the hot velvet of Garin’s cock, the justification for his proposition flashed back.

“Swab.” Sazahk pulled his mouth away before he gave in and contaminated Garin’s cockhead with his saliva. He called up to the edge of the sleeping bag still over his head. “Will you please pass me a swab for your pre-ejaculate?”

“Um, I—” Garin squirmed as Sazahk’s hands slid down the back of Garin’s thighs to his muscular ass. “Yeah. Yeah, give me a sec.”

Garin twisted and reached, and after some muffled swearing, shoved a sterile swab under the blanket for him.

“Thank you.” Sazahk took it and quickly swiped it over Garin’s leaking slit. With a strange jealousy of the bit of cotton that had tasted Garin before him, Sazahk followed it with his mouth, sealing his lips around Garin’s tip and sucking.

“Oh god, Sazahk, shit.” Garin’s hands latched onto him again and Sazahk let out a gratified hum. He was learning his way around this man’s body. By the time he was done, he’d know more about where to touch Kevin Garin than anyone alive.

Sazahk left Garin’s cock and crawled back up Garin’s body with his covered swab in hand. He’d indulged in a lengthy oral exploration of Garin’s genitals last time. He had other things in mind now.

Sazahk emerged from the blankets, set the swab aside, and hovered over Garin. “Can I penetrate you again?”

Garin’s pupils dilated instantly. “Yes. You can do anything you want.”

Sazahk’s length throbbed to remind him of exactly what he wanted. Would Garin like that? He had enjoyed having a single finger inside him, but there were real and relevant differences between a finger and a cock that went beyond girth and length.

Luckily, a lifetime of study had taught Sazahk the best way to answer a question: a well-designed experiment.

All he needed was Garin’s specific and informed consent. A lust-addled statement of blanket permission wasn’t sufficient.