Page 103 of The Alien Scientist

“No.” Sazahk tugged him forward. “Nowhere any farther than two hundred and seventy-five yards.”

Garin snorted and stumbled along in surprise, fears assuaged and forgotten. “Where did that number come from?”

Sazahk lead him around a gaudy Klah’Eel ship to reveal a smaller, tidier, Qeshian one, its gangway already dropping to meet them. “That is precisely how far away we are from my bed.”

Garin’s half-hard length throbbed at Sazahk’s confident tone and the faintest, hoarse gravel of desire rumbling below it. “Do we need to make it that far?”

Sazahk sent him a mischievous look. “No.”

With matching grins, they ran up the ramp and into the polished interior of the ship. The decor of the entryway and the paneling along the walls spoke of expensive taste, but the only thing Garin registered about the wall was his back slamming into it as Sazahk pushed him up against it.

Sazahk caught his mouth and plunged his tongue into him, kissing him deeply without a moment of preamble. Garin moaned and melted into him, tilting his chin up for Sazahk to ravish him. He was almost certainly stronger than the qesh, but he was shorter than him and barely outweighed him, and when Sazahk turned his focus on Garin like he did, he completely and exquisitely overwhelmed him.

Garin couldn’t even track Sazahk’s hands. They were everywhere. As Sazahk’s tongue thrust into Garin’s mouth, Sazahk pushed Garin’s suit jacket from his shoulders, undid the buttons down his shirt, unbuckled his belt, and pulled down his zipper. How?—

Garin jerked back as he realized the appendages disrobing him with dizzying rapidity weren’t Sazahk’s hands at all, but a swarm of flex metal tentacles extending from the baseboards. “Holy shit.”

“I told you this would be worth your patience.” Sazahk smirked and twisted a tiny tendril delicately in the air between their noses. “Even my level of clearance is insufficient to access the security apparatus within the station’s military district. And even if it was, there are few instances there of flex metal with the dexterity and sensitivity needed for what I have in mind.”

“You’ve already got plans, have you?” Garin matched Sazahk’s smirk as he let Sazahk’s tentacles strip him. He shivered as the cool air hit his boiling skin. How his desire hadn’t set him ablaze inside his sweltering suit, he didn’t know.

“I’ve been developing a course of action for far longer than I should have been.” Sazahk’s eyes roamed down Garin’s naked body. His hands touched Garin’s hips and skated up his sides.

“Yeah, I’ve got a few courses of action in mind, too.” Garin wrapped one arm around Sazahk’s waist, palmed the back of his head, and reversed their positions, pushing the qesh against the dark wood paneling. He buried his face in Sazahk’s neck, inhaling him, before nipping at his tendon. “If I can take a turn?”

Sazahk gasped when Garin’s teeth caught his skin. “Of—of course. Your pleasure is my primary motivation.”

“And what about yours?” Garin kissed down Sazahk’s neck to his sharp collarbones and licked into the hollow of his throat, which had called to him since they’d roamed the Dead Zone and it had peeked out at him, slick with sweat.

“I—” Sazahk’s breath caught again at the touch of Garin’s tongue. He dropped his shoulders to let Garin push his robes from them, and trembling metal tentacles helped Garin tug at the rest of the ties and fastenings on the overly complicated Qeshian formal wear. “I am still discovering the exact mechanisms of my pleasure, but it has an undeniable tie to yours.”

“Well, let’s see if we can get a little more specific.” Garin sank to his knees as Sazahk’s clothes fell away, kissing a line down the center of Sazahk’s chest and lower belly. Despite his cocky words and despite the fact that Garin wasn’t inexperienced with blowjobs, nerves still fluttered in his stomach. He didn’t want to embarrass them both by doing something Sazahk didn’t like.

But he really, really wanted to do something Sazahk did like. And this had as good a shot at success as anything.

“I—” Sazahk swallowed, staring down at Garin with wide eyes, dark green and brown swirling over his skin. “Yes, I am interested as well in?—”

Garin followed a curl of forest green wrapping around the head of Sazahk’s cock with his tongue.

“Oh, goddess, Garin.” Sazahk’s thighs tensed under Garin’s palms and flex metal slithered over Garin’s ankles and calves and tightened, as though grasping him for steadiness. “That—that felt good.”

Garin grinned, and licked broad stripes along Sazahk’s shaft, following the cascading colors. Having such a communicative partner was going to have its benefits. Once he’d tasted every inch of Sazahk’s length, he opened his mouth wide and sank down onto it. They both groaned as Sazahk’s cock filled Garin’s mouth and nudged at the back of his throat.


Garin’s eyes fluttered closed as he sucked. Brilliant, insane, gorgeous Sazahk with so many better things to do than Garin but who looked at him and touched him like he couldn’t get enough of him, shuddered against the wall and whimpered and rolled his hips in desperate little twitches, begging wordlessly for more of what Garin gave him.

Garin bobbed his head, sucking hard as he pulled off and laving his tongue over every sensitive spot he could reach as he swallowed Sazahk down again.

“That—that’s amazing.” Sazahk drew shaky fingers through Garin’s hair. “Goddess, that feels good, Garin, too, too—” Sazahk yelped and spurted pre-cum onto the pad of Garin’s tongue. “Too good, too good.”

Garin eased up but didn’t stop suckling on his mouthful, having craved it for too long and too hard from it now to give it up so quickly.

“Better.” Sazahk let out a relieved sigh and brushed his fingers over Garin’s cheeks. “Better. I need more time to execute on my plans.”

Garin’s eyes stayed closed as he hummed with the gentle touch of Sazahk’s fingers on his cheek. His jaw ached, but he loved the fuzzy feeling around the edges of his senses that the soreness put there, and the slow overtaking of his entire reality by the salty tang in his mouth and the heavy musk in his nose.

On base instinct, he followed the heady scent of that musk. With a worshipful slowness, he released Sazahk’s cock. He licked his head one last time to coax out another drop of pre-cum, then kissed down his shaft, opening his eyes to look up into Sazahk’s face. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”