Page 74 of The Alien Soldier

“Goddammit, Patrick, now what?” Fal’ran stumbled to standing, his voice rough, and his eyes hazy. “I had you so close—”

“Bed.” Patrick shoved on his chest and Fal’ran let himself be pushed, still dazed from whatever trance he’d gone into as he’d bobbed over Patrick’s cock. Patrick got him to the hollow in the wall that held his bed, barely big enough for the both of them. “Sit.”

Fal’ran’s mind cleared enough to catch Patrick’s hand, his eyes flashing. “You gonna lecture me?”

“Hardly.” Patrick hooked his leg around Fal’ran’s and tackled him. “Now sit your ass down for me.”

Fal’ran laughed as he fell onto the bed and the bright sound bounced around the room. Patrick’s heart flipped in his chest, delight and excitement and all sorts of emotions he’d never associated with sex, making him grin. He batted the younger man’s hands away and pressed his right palm into Fal’ran’s sternum to hold him back on the mattress, his legs dangling off the sides.

When Patrick dropped to his knees between Fal’ran’s spread thighs, that bright laughter choked off on an inhale that made Patrick grin even wider.

“Patrick.” Fal’ran tried to sit, but Patrick held him down and tugged the drawstring of his pants loose with his left hand. Fal’ran’s hips twitched and twisted and that dark spot over his head grew. Patrick’s pulse pounded in his ears. “Oh god, do it.”

Patrick didn’t know exactly what to do, but that wouldn’t stop him. He pulled Fal’ran’s pants over his hips, off the swell of his ass, and all the way off his legs, then crowded back in between his thighs before he could lose his nerve. He’d had his hand on Fal’ran’s cock twice now, but shit, it looked different from this angle.

He slid his shaking left hand up Fal’ran’s rippling abs to hold him down and wrapped his right hand around Fal’ran’s thick base. Fal’ran groaned and his cock kicked against Patrick’s palm. Patrick took a steadying breath. That felt the same, almost familiar. He’d made Fal’ran moan and come in his arms before he could do it again.

Reaching for his battle-ready calmness, he licked the freshly beaded drop of precum from Fal’ran’s tip.

“Oh, fuck.” Fal’ran’s thighs squeezed tight around Patrick’s shoulders, but the breadth of Patrick’s body kept them spread. That sent a thrill of confidence up Patrick’s spine, and he lapped at Fal’ran’s head again.

He had the upper hand. In the tenuous seesaw of power during a fight, he was on top. Tightening his grip on Fal’ran’s base and using the angle to hold the younger man’s hips down, he wrapped his lips around Fal’ran’s head and sucked.

“Yes, Patrick.” Fal’ran carded trembling fingers through his hair, but Patrick focused on the cock in his mouth. He closed his eyes and ran his tongue along the hot, spongy edge of Fal’ran’s crown.

Overwhelming. Bigger than he expected, filling out his mouth. Warm. Bitter and earthy, but good. He dug the tip of his tongue into Fal’ran’s slit to taste more and was rewarded with a shaky gasp above him and a fresh spurt on his tongue. Aggressive and masculine. When it mingled with the musk emanating from the crease of Fal’ran’s groin, it made his whole body prickle with energy.

He pushed himself to take more, bumping Fal’ran’s tip against the roof of his mouth. The smell of sweat and arousal filled his nose, and his jaw began to ache. Patrick moaned and understood why Fal’ran enjoyed doing this to him so much.

It had all the best parts of a fight. The pain, the push, the adrenaline, the violence of another body straining against him. Patrick stroked his hand up Fal’ran’s shaft to his lips and back down, working the part of Fal’ran’s cock that didn’t fit in his mouth. Fal’ran shuddered and Patrick licked firmly over the vein under his head.

“Fuck, Patrick, take more.” Fal’ran's hips flexed, and his torso pushed up against Patrick’s palm. “You can take more.”

Patrick opened his jaw wider, hyper aware of how much room his teeth took up. Fal’ran’s mouth had felt like one heavenly soft organ, not a hint of teeth, but Patrick’s mouth bristled with them. He tucked his lips around them and pressed farther down Fal’ran’s length until Fal’ran’s head slid past his hard palate.

A sudden spike of panic pierced Patrick’s arousal when Fal’ran’s head poked into his throat, and he breathed through it. He had this. He could do this. He could breathe. He focused on the heat and the smell and the taste and on the fact that he had Fal’ran in his mouth, begging him in a broken voice. The arousal returned, sweeping away his panic, and Patrick moaned as he sucked, drool sliding down Fal’ran’s shaft and slicking his grip.

Still overwhelming, but in the best goddamn way. Patrick stopped trying so hard and lost himself in it. He sucked and licked, sometimes forcing himself down until Fal’ran’s head threatened to pop into his throat and his eyes watered, and sometimes suckling obscenely and worshipfully on his tip, coaxing out, then drinking down his precum.

Patrick’s eyes rolled back as he bobbed rhythmically, the sounds loud in his ears. Simple. As simple as a fight and even better. Fal’ran’s fingers tightened against Patrick’s scalp, and he pulled on his short hair, the sparks of pain making Patrick moan. He wondered what Fal’ran’s cum tasted like and dug the tip of his tongue into his slit again. His precum was goddamn addicting.

“Patrick.” Fal’ran’s fingers in his hair twisted urgently. “Fuck, wait.”

Fuck waiting indeed. Patrick had waited decades to feel a man come in his mouth.

“No.” Fal’ran bent Patrick’s hand backwards until Patrick yelped with the pain. “Get the fuck up here.”

Patrick pulled off Fal’ran’s cock, understanding now the dazed look in Fal’ran’s eye when Patrick had yanked him to standing. He sat on his heels, but Fal’ran pulled him up to his knees.

“I said get the fuck up here.” Fal’ran looped his arms around Patrick’s side, lifted him up, and dumped him onto the bed. The blood rushed to Patrick’s head, and he struggled to find his bearings in the tight quarters.

“What are—oh god.”

Wet heat engulfed Patrick’s cock and he dropped his forehead against Fal’ran’s hip bone. They lay on their sides, stretched out beside each other, with Fal’ran’s mouth on Patrick’s cock, and Patrick’s mouth panting inches from Fal’ran’s. Oh fuck, this—Patrick locked both hands around Fal’ran’s hips and wrapped his lips around Fal’ran’s cock—this he could do.

And Patrick had enjoyed what they’d been doing before. He rocked his hips into Fal’ran’s mouth as he suckled along Fal’ran’s length. Pleasure, need, a give and a take. And a bit of a struggle and a bit of a fight as they rolled back and forth, thrusted and rocked, held each other back and pulled each other in.

“God, men didn’t know what they were missing with you.” Fal’ran popped off Patrick’s cock and nosed around it to lick at his balls. “Or I guess they did, but none of them ever fucking got it.”