Page 120 of The Alien Soldier

“I’m not going anywhere, Fal’ran.” Patrick kneaded Fal’ran’s muscle, then pulled it to the side to get a look at his hole. “Fuck.” Patrick let out a low breath he hadn’t realized he’d held. Fal’ran’s most vulnerable part, exposed to him, offered to him.

Fal’ran’s back expanded and contracted as he panted. Patrick didn’t need to smell him to know he was nervous despite his cockiness, and the thought swelled Patrick’s heart with overwhelming affection.

Patrick had come nowhere close to doing anything like this before, but he’d heard the locker room talk and he understood the mechanics. And he’d been dreaming about it for a hell of a lot longer than he should have been. He squeezed the lube over Fal’ran’s hole and Fal’ran gasped as the cool slick hit his entrance.

Before the lube dripped down to Fal’ran’s balls, Patrick swirled it around his rim with the pad of his finger. He bit his lips as he stared down at what he was doing. Finally, finally doing. He breached Fal’ran with the tip of his finger and, at Fal’ran’s long, low moan, his way slicked with lube, he pressed into Fal’ran up to the knuckle in one smooth slide.

“Oh fuck, Patrick.” Fal’ran gripped the sheets beside his head, tangling the fabric in his fingers. “Fuck, it’s—” Despite his gasping and his swearing, Fal’ran’s hips twitched and rocked, fucking Patrick’s finger back and forth inside him. “It’s been a while.”

“You can take it.” Patrick braced his other hand on the bed beside Fal’ran’s ribs and bent over him. He pulled his finger almost all the way out and pushed it back in. “You can take it for me, Fal’ran.”

“Give me another,” Fal’ran demanded, pressing his cheek against the mattress, staring back at Patrick.

“Not yet.” Patrick shook his head. He pumped his finger in and out, finding a rhythm, his head spinning with what he was doing. Fal’ran was so hot inside and so soft. He felt like fucking heaven. Patrick couldn’t imagine what it would be like to bury his cock inside of him.

Fal’ran’s brows came down low over his gorgeous eyes. “Patrick—”

“I said, not yet.” Patrick bared his teeth at the younger man pinned beneath him and Fal’ran’s eyes flashed. But the fight fell out of him, and his eyes rolled back when Patrick hit a different angle. Patrick’s teeth stayed bared in triumph as he found the same spot again, drawing a choked sound from Fal’ran’s throat.

He’d heard men joke about this spot, brag about their aiming prowess, how it drove their men wild.

He wasn’t interested in bragging, but he was very interested in the new pitch of Fal’ran’s moans. The younger man gasped and writhed on Patrick’s finger, his knuckles white where he gripped the bedsheets.

“Aren’t you glad you waited?” Patrick strained up to kiss Fal’ran’s ear and down the side of his neck. He tucked a second finger next to his first and pressed it into him.

“Patrick.” Fal’ran dragged out his name in a guttural groan as his rim stretched around Patrick’s fingers.

“Right here.” Patrick kissed down Fal’ran’s spine and watched Fal’ran’s body open for him, swallowing his fingers down and clinging to him as he dragged them back out. “I’m right here.”

He didn’t waste any time probing around for that spot, desperate to feel Fal’ran’s body shake with pleasure. He knew he’d found it when Fal’ran whimpered and rocked his hips back up onto Patrick’s fingers.


His his his. This man was his. Patrick thrust his fingers in and out of Fal’ran’s hole, dragging out the whimpers and shudders, and kissing every piece of skin he could reach. This strong, arrogant, brave, intelligent young man was his. In his bed, moaning his name. The only place Fal’ran wanted to be was right here under Patrick’s body, and Patrick knew with utter certainty he could give him what he needed.

Patrick grabbed the lube, messily squirted it over Fal’ran’s stretched rim, and without warning, shoved a third finger into Fal’ran’s hole. Fal’ran’s back arched as he cried out and his rim clenched and spasmed around Patrick’s invading fingers.

“Patrick!” Fal’ran’s eyes clenched shut, and he spread his hand wide, so Patrick grabbed it and threaded their fingers together. Fal’ran gripped him tightly and dropped his head back down as his hips worked against the mattress. “Fuck, Patrick, don’t stop.”

“I won’t.” Patrick nosed under Fal’ran’s ear, inhaling the smell of his sweat and his musk. “God, you’re breathtaking. I’ve wanted you from the second I saw you. I still want you.”

Three fit a lot tighter than two, and Patrick worked his hand slower as he opened Fal’ran up. But the sounds he dragged from Fal’ran’s throat were deep and raw and even better than the high-pitched whine he’d pulled from him when he’d first assaulted his prostate. He kept kissing him as he stretched him, not able to tear his mouth away from Fal’ran’s sweat-slick skin.

“I’m ready.” Fal’ran squeezed Patrick’s hand and forced his eyes open.

Patrick didn’t question him. He kissed down Fal’ran’s spine to the curve of his ass, nipped the muscular flesh, sat back on his haunches, and pulled his fingers free. Fal’ran whined when Patrick left his hole empty, loose and fluttering and shining with lube.

“Get your hips up for me.” Patrick smacked Fal’ran’s ass again and smiled when he got the moan he was looking for. His limbs shaking, Fal’ran pulled his legs under him and raised his hips into the air. “Fucking beautiful, Fal’ran.”

Fal’ran’s presented hole twitched at the praise and Patrick’s mouth dried.

He could do this. He could please Fal’ran. He could. Relieved Fal’ran wouldn’t see his hands shaking, he squeezed some lube into his palm. Careful not to stimulate himself too much, terrified he wouldn’t be able to last, Patrick slicked himself up with business-like strokes.

“Patrick?” A hint of uncertainty crept into Fal’ran’s voice and Patrick raised himself up onto his knees and soothed his palm down Fal’ran’s long, curved spine.

“Right here.” Patrick licked his lips and lined himself up with Fal’ran’s hole. “Right here.”

He couldn’t tear his eyes away as he pressed his cockhead to Fal’ran’s rim. Fal’ran’s body fought him for a beat, then gave, and Patrick watched himself sink inch by inch into the amazing man shuddering and begging for him. For him.