Page 118 of The Alien Soldier

Without bothering to look back at Serihk, Bryant, and Lar’a, Patrick set down Fal’ran’s glass and strode out into the hallway.

“Fucking finally.” Fal’ran reached for him the second he crossed the threshold, but Patrick stopped him with a hand on his throat.

“Whoa there, soldier.” Patrick smirked and brushed his thumb over Fal’ran’s pulse point. “We’re still in public.”

Fal’ran pressed his throat into Patrick’s palm. “And?”

“And I don’t want any interruptions.” Patrick walked forward, forcing Fal’ran back by his throat. Not that he truly forced him. Fal’ran knew how to escape the barely-there choke Patrick had on him. And they both knew the word to stop the game in its tracks.

“Got big plans?” Fal’ran grinned as he let Patrick walk him backward toward their room.

“A few.” More like half-formed thoughts and fantasies, but everything came so easily once they were together. Patrick didn’t doubt he’d come up with something. He flicked his eyes to the front of Fal’ran’s pants and saw his length twitch against the fabric. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“Or we can go faster.” Fal’ran grabbed the wrist of the hand Patrick had around his throat, turned, and pulled Patrick down the hallway with him.

Patrick laughed as Fal’ran tugged him around the corner. As soon as they got to their room, he pushed Fal’ran inside and spun him around.

Fal’ran didn’t wait to be pulled into a kiss, surging forward, and capturing Patrick’s lips. He plundered Patrick’s mouth, trapping Patrick against the closed door, thrusting his tongue into Patrick’s mouth, devouring him as though it were his last chance.

Patrick let Fal’ran dominate him, groaning under the earnestness of Fal’ran’s assault. Every insecurity fell away in the face of Fal’ran’s intense desire. He wrapped his arms around Fal’ran’s waist, hauling the younger man closer.

“There we go.” Fal’ran kissed across Patrick’s cheek and buried his nose in the hollow under Patrick’s ear, inhaling deeply. “Your smell gets me so hard.”

Fal’ran’s moaned words shot straight to Patrick’s balls. He moved his hands to Fal’ran’s hips and pushed him back. “Yeah? Show me.”

Fal’ran undid his own belt with quick hands. He popped the button of his pants and slid the zipper down.

“That’s right, keep going.” Patrick pressed his temple to Fal’ran’s and stared down as Fal’ran exposed himself to him. He licked his lips and squeezed Fal’ran’s hips in hands. “Show me what my smell does to you.”

“Fuck, Patrick, you know what it does.” Fal’ran shoved his underwear under his balls and his hard cock bounced free, precum beading at the tip.

“But I never get tired of seeing it.” Patrick wrapped his fingers around Fal’ran’s length and stroked. Fal’ran gasped like Patrick had punched him in the chest and Patrick grinned as he lazily explored the younger man’s length. Hot and velvety soft, but hard as rock and damp at the tip. Messy and desperate and obscene. “Beautiful.”

Fal’ran kissed down Patrick’s neck and bucked his hips up into Patrick’s hand. “More.”

“How much more?” Patrick slipped his other hand between Fal’ran’s thighs and cupped his balls. He rolled them in his palms and teased his middle finger along their seam. “That enough?”

“No.” Fal’ran kissed to the other side of Patrick’s neck, licking up his throat. He bit down on Patrick’s shoulder and whined as he thrust his cock into Patrick’s loose grip.

Excitement and adrenaline spiked in Patrick’s blood at the dull pain of Fal’ran’s teeth against the fabric of his shirt. He tightened his grip and gave the man a firm stroke from root to tip. “Better?”

Fal’ran groaned and buried his face in Patrick’s neck. “Fuck, yes, Patrick.”

Patrick’s own cock throbbed at the sound of Fal’ran’s broken voice and at the slickness dripping from his tip. He sped up his pulls, dragging out more of those gasps and groans, powerful and in control, even as Fal’ran crowded him up against the wall. Powerful and in control and giving Fal’ran everything he wanted.

He squeezed Fal’ran’s balls again, loving the heft of them in his hand. And the shudder of Fal’ran’s body as he danced his fingers along the soft skin of his sack.

“Farther.” Fal’ran whispered in Patrick’s ear.

Patrick frowned. “Farther?”

Fal’ran licked his lips and nodded. When Fal’ran spread his stance, understanding hit Patrick like a rifle round to a vest. His blood ran hot and cold and roared back hot again as a primal eagerness warred with uncertainty. Fal’ran had used his tongue on Patrick a few times, but that was the limit of Patrick’s experience with…that particular piece of anatomy.

He crawled his fingers back to Fal’ran’s taint, rubbing the smooth spot. When Fal’ran caught his breath, Patrick did it again and again, a little harder until Fal’ran moaned and pressed closer.

After a few more strokes, Fal’ran nipped Patrick’s ear hard enough to send pain zipping down Patrick’s spine and hot pleasure blooming in his stomach. “Farther.”

Swallowing down his nerves, Patrick brushed the pad of his middle finger over Fal’ran’s furled opening.