Page 77 of Whiskey Neat

My phone rings again and I smile, hoping Indy forgot to tell me something, but it’s an unknown number.


“Is this Salem?”


“Hey. It’s Jackson. I wasn’t sure this was your number.”

“How did you get it?”

“The school alumni directory had it listed as a potential contact number.”

I scrunch my nose. Ugh. “What’s up?”

“I was hoping maybe we could meet up for coffee or something?”


“Just to catch up. We used to be friends once.”

“Oh were we? I forgot since you acted like you didn’t know me.”

He exhales in a huff. “I deserve that, but it was a long time ago and I’d love the chance to explain.”

“Explain? I’m really clear on why it happened.”

“I see you’re just as stubborn as you were.”

I almost laugh at that. “Yep.”

“Please? An hour of your time?”

All the hurt and abandonment I felt when Jackson deserted me returns, as fresh as if it were yesterday, but maybe facing it would help me put it to rest once and for all.

“Okay, Jackson. Stop by the bar tomorrow and we can go grab coffee.”

“Great. Cool. Okay, see you then.”


I end the call and force myself to get dressed. Talking to Jackson again wasn’t on my bingo card, but whatever. It would be nice to let go of some of the hostility I carry around, and maybe meeting with him will help me do that. Or he’ll piss me off and I’ll level up the hostile ladder.

For now, I need to put him and Indy out of my head and focus on my family dinner.



Standing in the doorway of the office watching Lowen and Salem work is probably a new low for me, but fuck it. I act like a lost puppy around Salem, and nothing in me wants to stop.

“Are you his bodyguard now?”

Kit’s voice brings a smile to my face.

“Shut up.”

Kit chuckles. “It’s adorable. You’re so whipped. Not shocking though. He’s fun and definitely pretty.”