“Yes, but don’t you think we’d have much more fun if sex was involved?” Dexter asks, and I laugh. “Why are you so surprised that I would find you attractive?”
“I was married and my husband didn’t want to have sex with me,” I say in a rueful voice. “Why would any other man?”
“Your ex-husband is an idiot.”
I smile. “He is. Doesn’t make it hurt any less. Actually, not much anymore.”
“Thanks to therapy.”
“And time. And the fact that I don’t think there was much of a marriage left. Most of my attention went to the girls and my husband was not the type of man who appreciated that my mothering skills were my first priority.”
“Again—idiot.” He motions to my empty glass. “Want another?”
“If I have more, I’m going to need something to eat.”
“Then let me buy you dinner.”
I look at Dexter—at the way he looks at me. Eager. I take a deep breath. “I make very good sandwiches,” I tell him.
“Grilled cheese sandwiches? Back at your apartment?” His eagerness is now like a dog asked if he wants to go for a walk.
“Actually, I make a great grilled cheese sandwich.”
He motions for the check. “I can’t wait to taste it. Let’s go.”
Ididn’t expect Tilly to invite me back to her place.
I was ready to take her to dinner, to do my best to seduce her with my words, even if it took days. Because what I told her was the truth—I do want to get to know her better.
It’s just not all the truth.
I pay the bill for our drinks and follow Tilly out of the bar, watching her hips swing under her dress, out onto the sidewalk. It’s a warm evening; the sun has set, but it’s still light enough to be fully dusk.
We walk silently along the street to her building and I take her hand. “Is this okay?”
Is it okay? This is not allowed. I want this kept under wraps and the first chance I get I touch her in public?
“I don’t remember the last time I held hands with a woman,” I muse. “It’s nice. With you, it’s nice.”
“I would have grabbed your hand when we crossed the street,” Tilly says with a laugh. “It’s a habit. I still make my girls hold my hands when we cross, and Jade is sixteen.”
“It’s hard to believe you have a sixteen-year-old.”
“Forty-five, remember?”
“I also find that hard to believe.”
“You’re just saying that because you want a grilled cheese.”
“You’re right. I’m starving.” Tilly laughs. I like her laugh.
She unlocks the door and leads me inside. My pulse beats a hundred miles a minute and I tell myself to calm down. Nothing has to happen.
Even though we both want it to.