“I apologize for how we first met, Sean. I was a bit worried and not myself,” Dad says as he reaches to shake Sean’s hand.
“No worries, sir. Someone needs to keep Teagan in check,” he replies, winking at Teagan. “I am so happy my girl has somewhere nice to call home.”
Okay. Now, I know he is just kissing Dad’s ass. Smooth, buddy. Wait…did he say “his girl”?
“Okay, okay. Now that we have all met, can we go?” Teagan asks, turning to Dad.
“Of course, be home in time for dinner, Teagan,” Dad says, patting her on the back and walks away.
“Good seeing you again, princess,” Sean remarks.
“Yeah, you too, ass-kisser,” I respond, turning toward the house.
He laughs, shaking his head. Teagan grabs him by the elbow and pulls him toward the truck.
Devan drives up just as Teagan and Sean drive off. Since I was grounded last Sunday, there is no way I can get out of hanging with Devan for the afternoon. Devan and I don’t say much on the drive to his house. We fought earlier when I tried to convince him to come over to my house instead, but he wouldn’t budge. “Your parents are so much stricter than mine. We can hang out in my room at my place. We haven’t had alone time in a while,” he complained. No shit. That is the reason I don’t want to come over. Lately, Devan has only cared about being physical. He says he wants to feel closer to me, but I know he just doesn’t want to go to college a virgin.
We pull up to his house and I cannot contain my excitement. Gabe and Mills are parking on the curb leaning against Gabe’s Jeep.
“Dammit. Why are they here?” Devan asks and looks at me accusatorially.
“Don’t look at me. I didn’t invite them,” I say shrugging.
We get out of the car and walk toward them. “Dude, what are you doing here?” Devan looks at Gabe and then raises his brows toward me slightly. He thinks I didn’t notice, but I did. So did Mills by the smirk and laugh she is holding back.
“My dad needed me to drop something off for your dad. I figured I’d wait around and see what you and Em are up to. Mills said ya’ll were hanging out today,” Gabe replies cautiously.
Before Devan can answer I blurt, “Let’s all hangout! Devan, I want a milkshake. Can we all go get one, pleaseeee?” I ask him batting my eye lashes. “I really just wanted to be with you today, babe.” I give him a pouty face and blink faster. He rolls his eyes and glares at Gabe, who winces, but he nods toward his car, “I’ll drive”.
At the diner, the boys are talking about the party that Sam Kirk is throwing after the football game this Friday to kick off Fall break. He is a junior and the best wide receiver our school has ever had. Even though he comes from one of the richest families in New Jersey, he has full ride offers to at least ten top tier football schools. He always throws huge parties during school breaks.
“Em, you are coming Friday for sure, right? You aren’t grounded anymore so you have no excuse,” Mills asks.
“I want to…I still have to ask my parents. They have been extra helicopter since Teagan moved in,” I reply.
“Oh look, she made it almost an hour without bringing up the new chick,” Devan remarks.
I glare at him but choose to ignore the comment. “Well, tell them you are bringing trash panda to hang out with us that night. They will definitely say yes then. Maybe we can even mess with her at the party,” Mills says, making the boys laugh.
“Stop calling her that…and I am not doing anything else to her. We both agreed to just coexist.” I pause and consider a thought, “Maybe I can ask her to lie and say she is coming with me. My parents will think we are leaving together. I’ll have you guys pick me up down the street and her boyfriend can do the same to her.” I wonder if she will actually do this for me. She has tried sneaking out before, so I don’t know why she wouldn’t take advantage of a later curfew.
“Trash panda has a boyfriend?” Devan snorts. “Who would date that?” The three of them burst into laughter. My hands clench under the table and I feel my cheeks heat. Something about Devan making fun of the way Teagan looks is really pissing me off.
“You okay, Em?” Gabe asks. All three of them look at me and I snap out of it.
“Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking she may not agree to it. That’s all,” I reply.
“She will, Em. Hey Gabe, did you see Josh this morning? He looked like a total fag, right?” Devan comments.
“Don’t use that word, Devan. It makes you sound like a hateful asshole,” Mills says.
“What? Soft spot for fairies, Mills?” he retorts.
Mills bristles and narrows her eyes. Mills has a gay uncle that no one knows about but Gabe and me. He was disowned by her family because of it, but Mills wasn’t able to let him go. She meets him for coffee before school once a week and texts him all the time. She knows he is living in sin, but he is still the same goofy uncle she grew up with; regardless of who he chooses to love.
“So, who is ready to go?” Gabe asks, breaking the awkward silence.
Devan and I drop the other two off at Gabe’s car. We all say goodbye and he starts to drive to my house. As we pull up, I can see my family and Teagan through the window setting the table for dinner. “Night, babe. Thanks for the milkshake,” I say, turning to exit. Devan grabs my arm.