Page 33 of Echoes of Us

What a great movie! No wonder it’s Emmaline’s favorite. I didn’t really watch movies as a kid. If I wasn’t playing the piano, I was reading. I turn to tell Emmaline how much I liked it, but she abruptly rises and hurries out of the room when the credits start to roll. I look at EJ.

He shrugs, “Emis weird. She cries a lot in that one, so maybe she was embarrassed.

I have been trying to give her space and keep my distance, but she looked so excited to watch this movie. I also felt bad about blowing her off before it started, so I figured I could make it up to her.

“Wanna watch another?” EJ asks, pulling me out of my thought.

I check my phone and shake my head. “I need to write my essay, sorry kid.” He shrugs and runs upstairs.

On the way to my room, I can’t stop thinking about her hurrying away after the movie. Maybe she is trying to match my energy? Lately she looks like a wounded puppy whenever I am in the room. She is so hot and cold it is insane.

I open my laptop to write an essay for AP Latin, but I can’t concentrate. I push back my chair and go to lie on my bed. Why is this bothering me so much? I have been trying to keep my distance. She made it crystal clear she doesn’t want me here. The other night we both agreed to stay out of each other’s way, and I have just been keeping my side of the deal. So, why does she seem so wounded? Screw it. I hop up and head through the bathroom to her door.

I knock and the door opens a few moments later. Her room is not what I expected. I assumed it was going to be light pink or blue with lace bedding and all light-colored furniture. In reality, her room is very cozy and inviting. The ceiling is vaulted with black and white string lights draped around the room. Deep green vines hang on the walls on either side of her bed. Eli is laying on the floor, belly up as usual, wagging his tail and looking at me upside down.

“Did you need something? We don’t have to study tonight; it’s Sunday,” she says.

“Oh no. I just wanted to see why you bolted after the movie, that is all. We can occasionally pretend to get along you know, especially around EJ. It bugs him we don’t like each other,” I say.

She studies me for a moment, “I am just following the rules. But yeah, I suppose we can around EJ.” She pauses for a moment then asks, “Why do you go see EJ at school and hangout with him at home?” The question takes me by surprise.

“Are you asking because you genuinely want to know or are you asking to start an argument?” I ask cautiously.

Rolling her eyes, she replies, “Genuinely.”

I take a few moments to consider my answer and decide to be completely honest with her. “I’ve never had a sibling and I always wanted one. EJ has been the only person since my mom died who has made me feel truly wanted, except Sean.”

“Oh. That is really nice of you…to go see him at school. He thinks you are the greatest thing to walk the earth. I can’t get him to shut up about you when it is just us,” she says, smirking.

“He is a cool kid, that’s for sure. I love hanging out with him. It makes all of this a little less…lonely,” I say. What the hell, Teagan? Why are you even having this conversation? Just go back to your room. She told you what you wanted to know.

“Is that why you cry sometimes at night? You are lonely?” she asks softly. My eyes widen in shock. Who does she think she is? Why is she calling me out for crying at night? Is she sitting in the bathroom with her head to the door?

“First of all, mind your own business. Whatever happens in my room is none of your concern, princess. Secondly, that question is rich coming from the girl who has made sure I feel alone since I got here.” I turn and walk through my door, slamming it behind me.

Emmaline knowing I am vulnerable is not an option.

Chapter 38


Another week in my new reality. Although, things with Teagan have been better since last Sunday, ‘cordial’ is probably a better word for it. Teagan and I kept to a routine all week. Besides riding to school and studying for calculus, we watched a movie with EJ each night before bed. We have been making a major dent in the Disney movie list EJ created for Teagan. When we are alone, our conversation topics have expanded from only calculus to surface level chit chat about school or the teachers. “Why don’t you like the calculus teacher? I don’t think he is that bad,” she asks me one night as we study.

“You have no idea. He is horrible to everyone that isn’t you. Yesterday, he taped all of the tests that students have failed this week on the white board. One girl cried and all he said was, ‘I’d feel worse about you crying if you didn’t use dyslexia as an excuse for being bad at math.’ Like… how does he even have a job still” I tell her.

“Holy shit. You’re lying. No way that holier-than-thou school would let him get away with that,” she replies and looks back down to work on the next problem. That is about how deep our conversations go, but I always find myself wanting to keep going. I just never have the courage.

Over the weekend, Teagan spent most of her time with Sean. I assume he is her boyfriend. I really don’t see him as her type. I thought she would like a grungier, artist type guy. From what I remember about him, Sean is handsome and well put together. Not that Teagan can’t get someone who is handsome. I mean, she is really beautiful. Like, naturally beautiful. I don’t mean that in a weird way, though.I wonder if she will ever bring him around the house for us to meet him.It is weird Mom and Dad haven’t asked her to invite him in so they can meet him. They are usually super strict about that stuff. Maybe they are trying to give her space.

After church on Sunday, we pull into the driveway and Sean’s red truck is outside waiting on the street for her. She starts to walk toward his car as we walk up to the house.

“Bye, everyone,” she says and waves as she opens the passenger door.

“Hold up, Teagan,” Dad says, walking toward the truck. “I’d like to officially meet Sean.”

I walk over, too, wanting to meet Sean officially myself. Teagan rolls her eyes and waves Sean out of the car. He turns off his truck and comes out to meet us.

“Hello, Briggs family! It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Sean greets us with a huge smile across his face. Wow, he is better looking than I remember.