I chuckle. “You’re one of the few women I know who can not sleep with a man and have him still feeling satisfied,” I tell her.

“I aim to please,” she says as she leans back.

“Which you do very well.”

We both laugh. The time evaporates far too quickly, and soon we have to head out from lunch. We give each other big hugs then turn in separate directions. As I make my way back to the office I feel a new sense of determination. I’m going to be paying a lot more attention for the rest of the day.

I’m not sure if something’s going on or not, but if there is, I want to know what it is. I also realize I can handle whatever’s thrown my way. Work has been my life for a very long time, but it doesn’t have to be. I can love my job and be the best at it, but if there’s a bump in the road, I’ll be okay because I have great friends, and I’m in a beautiful relationship which is wonderful.

I’m smiling as I come back into the office. I notice Robert’s closed door right away which is normally open, but I don’t let this bother me. I visit with some coworkers and then get right back to my piles of paperwork, all while trying to keep my ears on full alert. I’ll get to the bottom of this, hopefully sooner rather than later. At the end of the day, though, all will be okay.

Chapter seventeen


Mason and I are enjoying a peaceful evening out, sitting at a cozy table in the corner of a patio overlooking the river. The ambiance is perfect, soft lighting, the hum of quiet conversation, patio fires on low, and the delicious scent of Italian cuisine filling the air. I take a sip of my sweet wine, feeling warmth spread through me.

“This might be my all-time favorite place in the city,” I tell him. I also love that this has become our place. I can’t imagine coming here with another man. All I’d do is think about Mason anyway, so it would be a disservice to someone else.

Mason reaches across the table and takes my hand. “I love anyplace we’re together, but I have to admit, this is my favorite as well. I love the ambiance and food, but it’s most certainly the company that makes it perfect. I love having you all to myself.”

“Such a smooth talker,” I tell him with a chuckle. “You always know the right thing to say. This entire relationship has been a whirlwind, but a very good one. I normally love my work, but I’ve been slightly resentful to be so busy lately as I want to play hooky with you,” I admit.

He grins at me. “I know how you feel. I love working more than the average person, but I’ve despised the travel lately because I don’t like being too far from you for very long. I’ve always mocked clingy couples, and now I’ve become that guy,” he says, not ashamed to admit this. It’s another reason I’ve fallen so hard for him.

We fall into an easy conversation, talking about our work lives, the newest authors I’m working with, and his favorite guests he has on his show. We both lead pretty exciting lives and there’s never a moment we don’t have things to talk about. Even in the rare times we aren’t talking, it’s still comfortable. Of course, a lot of the times we aren’t talking it’s because we’re moaning. I don’t mind those times one little bit. As a matter of fact, I’m ready to do some moaning again very soon.

“Maria, you excite me, there’s no doubt about that, but I haven’t enjoyed being with anyone as much as I enjoy our time together. There’s been no other woman who’s made me want to be with them more than I like hanging with the men.”

I laugh. “Even in bed?” I tease.

He shakes his head as he holds his hands up. “I’m a very smart man and know when to speak and when to shut up. I also know to say I can’t remember any other woman except for you. Anyone I’ve ever dated before has been long forgotten,” he says.

I laugh with him. I then widen my eyes as if I’m in shock. “You’ve dated women other than me?” I dramatically gasp.

He laughs harder. “Man, do I enjoy you,” he tells me. I reach over and take his hand.

“Not as much as I do you,” I tell him.

Before he can respond, we’re interrupted. I’m still smiling as I look up at the person daring to interrupt our date. When I see who it is my smile instantly falls away. Sabrina’s standing over us with a smug expression on her face. The skin-tight dress she’s wearing is meant to catch attention. I might dislike this woman, but I have to admit she looks good . . . and she knows it.

She doesn’t even look at me. “Mason,” she purrs in a sultry voice she’s surely practiced again and again. “I’ve missed you.”

I’ve been having a perfect night and I’m not letting this woman throw a cold rag on it. I have to fight down my irritation. She clearly doesn’t take rejection well. My grip on my wineglass tightens before I bring it to my lips and take a long swallow. I have a feeling I’ll need a lot more alcohol in the next few minutes.

Mason’s smile has long dropped as he gazes at Sabrina. “What are you doing here?” He doesn’t bother greeting her. Clearly, being cordial to her at the conference has led her to believe she’s welcome. She’s not.

“I miss us being out together. We had a few dinners at even nicer places than this,” she says, not caring that he’s obviously on a date with me.

Before he has a chance to respond, I realize I’ve had enough. I won’t make a scene, but I’m going to let this woman know she’s not welcome and her behavior’s abhorrent. My chair slides backward as I push back before standing. She’s a few inches taller than me, but my confidence in myself is real, not painted on like hers.

“Sabrina, I might be a nice woman, but even I have my limits. It’s more than clear that Mason and I are on a date together, and this is completely unacceptable,” I tell her, trying to keep my voice down so all eyes aren’t on us.

She gives me an evil smile mixed with a hint of condescension. “Oh, Maria, this doesn’t involve you. It’s between Mason and I,” she says in her most patronizing voice possible. I’ve never wanted to punch a person before, but I’m thinking about making an exception for this woman. Mason might have to hold me back.

Mason stands up next to me, and puts his arm around my back. He looks directly at Sabrina. I’ve never seen his eyes freeze over like this. “Maria’s very much involved in this. You aren’t wanted here. I’ve tried being friendly. Clearly, that’s not sending the right message. We never dated. We saw each other a couple of times. It didn’t work out. Let me make this so obvious, you can’t have any misunderstandings.” He pauses to make sure she really understands. “I don’t want you to approach me again, call me again, or ever, ever disrespect this woman I’m with. Leave us now.”

The sheer power of his voice sends a shudder through me. I don’t ever want to be on the receiving end of this wrath he’s showing Sabrina. I can’t imagine those dark eyes looking at me with such disgust.