Maria thinks about this for a moment. She then grins at me. “There was one time at a book launch that one of the authors, who I won’t name, got a bit too tipsy. She began doing karaoke in the middle of the bookstore. She was absolutely terrible at it, but the fans had a phenomenal time, and the books sold out. It was crazy for sure, but the most fun book signing I’ve ever attended.”

I laugh with her. “I’d definitely go to more signings if there was karaoke involved. I love a good night of terrible singing.”

“Me too!” she says. “It’s one of my favorite things to watch.”

“Do you get up and sing?”

She immediately shakes her head. “No singing for me. I like to sit back and watch.”

“Maybe I’ll change that,” I tell her.

We reach her place and I feel a pit of dread in my stomach. I’m not ready to say goodbye. I’m not ready to leave yet. This has been too great. We have so much more to talk about, so much more to do, and a whole lot more love to make.

“I don’t want to let you out,” I tell her.

She smiles at me. “We’ve already established that we can’t live off of sex and food alone,” she says.

“Has anyone ever tried?”

She shakes her head at me before she reaches for the door. She steps out before I can walk around and help. I walk her up to her door with great reluctance. I’m wondering how much trouble I’d get into for kidnapping. Hmmm, maybe not the best idea I’ve ever had, not the worst though.

We share a lingering kiss before she heads inside, leaving me standing for several moments. I’ve been with her nonstop, and it still hasn’t been enough. I eventually go back to my vehicle then drive away. I already miss her, a feeling that’s entirely new for me. This woman is doing something to me I never thought possible. I’m falling hard for her, and it scares me, but not as much as it excites me. For the first time in a very long while I’m more than eager to see where this is going to lead. I also have no fear that it won’t lead somewhere. We’re into each other, and it’s more than sex. I smile as I plan our next adventure together. It doesn’t matter what it is, it will be great. That I have no doubt about.

Chapter Twelve


A week’s passed since my amazing weekend with Mason, and I’m still floating on a cloud. We’ve both been pushed back into the work-world, but this hasn’t kept us from texting, calling, and spending hours getting to know each other more and more. I feel like all thoughts are consumed with him, taking over my life. For once, work isn’t the only thing on my mind. It’s such a strange feeling. It’s not one I’m unhappy about though.

I’m once again daydreaming about Mason when a knock sounds at my door. I’m not expecting Nikki for a couple of hours so I rise and look through the peephole. There’s a man in a suit standing there. I crack the door open.


“I have a delivery for you,” the man says, an envelope in his hand, and a box at his feet. I look around him and see an SUV at the curb. I hesitate a bit, but it’s late afternoon. I can’t see a robber looking this professionally dressed. I open my door and accept the envelope and box. He thanks me then turns and leave. I shut the door, then open the envelope. Two tickets and a letter are inside. There are jerseys in the box.


You’ve been formally invited to the VIP experience at the game tonight. Please come and support the team as I’m stepping in to help coach tonight. I gave you an extra ticket for Nikki.



I get a text right after reading the letter from Mason telling me I must come. I tell him we’ll be there. I’m not a big fan of sitting in stadiums, but how can I say no? I smile at the extra ticket. He knew that Nikki and I were supposed to go out tonight, and it’s very sweet of him to include her. Hopefully she’s game for a change of plans and this doesn’t make her want to kick my butt. It’s the VIP treatment though and she certainly likes that. It’s not something we get to do too often. I put down the letter and get back to work. I have a lot to finish before Nikki shows up.

It seems like no time at all before another knock sounds on my door. I realize it’s already five-o-clock. I put away my computer and go to the door. Nikki immediately scowls at me. She always tells me I work too much. This might be true, but I love my job so it doesn’t feel like work. That should count.

“Why aren’t you dressed? We’re supposed to be out of here right now,” she tells me as she frowns at the workout clothes that I always wear on the days I work from home and don’t have video calls to do.

I give her a grin and shake my head. “Plans have changed, my lovely bestie. We’ve been given VIP tickets to watch the football game tonight. Mason’s helping coach, and really wants us to come.”

Nikki frowns at me. “Football, really?” she whines.

“It won’t be bad. These tickets say we’re going to a suite. Mason’s also sending a car to take us so we can drink to our hearts content and get home safely. It will be just like being at a club. We’ll have music, shouting, fights, and people making out,” I tell her with a laugh.

She crosses her arms, but seems intrigued. “Fine. But this better be amazing.” I knew she’d give me a hard time but ultimately come around to it. We do things for each other all of the time. Even if we don’t want to do something, we still love it in the end because we’re together. When you’re with someone you love, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing.

“It will be.” I hand her one of the jerseys, and she rolls her eyes but obediently heads into my room to grab some jeans so she can change. It’s too bad since she looks hot as hell in her slinky blue dress that hugs her in all of the right places. She can’t show up to the game in that, though, or she might start a riot.