I drop before him and all complaining stops as I hold him in my hand, his body hard and ready for round two. We really did wait too long to do this. I have no idea why. Now that I’ve had him inside of me, I want more.

I take him in my mouth and feel his body tense as I wrap a hand behind him and squeeze his solid ass. He groans, his body shaking as I suck him hard. I take him deep in my throat and squeeze before sliding him back out and licking his salty head. I do this again and again, not able to get enough of him. I slide out and run my tongue from the tip to the base, my hand caressing his sensitive balls below.

Satisfaction thrums through me at the shudder I elicit from him, and I smirk against him. Mason reaches beneath my arms and pulls me up, then shocks me as he lifts my entire body and places my legs on his shoulders as he backs me against the wall. One of my hands grab his hair, while the other clings to one of the shower heads, desperately searching for stability. Before I can even gasp, he locks his mouth against my core and runs his tongue over my heat. I cry out as I hold onto his head, trying not to squirm so much that I fall from his slick shoulders.

He sucks and licks until an orgasm rips through me. I shake as he holds tight to my waist while his wicked tongue continues making me scream. Only when the shaking stops does he lower me to his waist. He doesn’t even give me a chance to take a breath before he plunges back inside of me. I once again hold on tight as I enjoy every single moment of us as one.

It’s a long while before we make it back to the bed, and he’s utterly worn me out. Mason pulls me close to him, and I rest my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. For the first time in a very long while I feel nothing but peace. Whatever comes next, I’m more than ready for. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

Chapter Eleven


I wake up Sunday morning, the sunlight peeking through the hotel room curtains, casting a warm glow over Maria’s sleeping face. We haven’t parted since the party Friday night. Most of the weekend has been a blur of laughter, passion, and more than a few room service orders. It’s been great.

I gaze down at the woman who’s utterly altered my life, marveling at how peaceful she looks. There’s something incredibly wonderful in waking up beside her. I’m not used to feeling this way, not used to craving more and more, and needing someone so much. But when it comes to Maria, I don’t want to part company with her.

As she begins to stir, I find myself smiling, something I’ve been doing a whole lot of since meeting her less than a month earlier. Her eyes flutter open, and as soon as she sees me looking her way, she smiles back.

“Good morning,” she murmurs as she lazily stretches her arms above her head, giving me a glimpse of her breasts playing peek-a-boo with the blanket covering her. Just another inch and it will be a very good morning indeed.

“Morning,” I easily reply, my voice soft and content. I lean down and kiss her, savoring the sweetness of her plump lips. I love all sides of Maria, her happy self, her sleepy self, her confident self, and her comfortable self. I want to learn every mood and side of her. I want to know her inside and out.

“No, I need to brush my teeth,” she warns as she keeps her lips pressed closed.

“You’re perfect,” I protest.

This makes her cover her mouth as she chuckles. “You won’t think so when the newness wears off. Morning breath is real.”

This makes me laugh. She’s always able to make me laugh. I never know what this woman might say to me. I want to pounce on her, that’s for sure. I run my hand over the top of the blanket and watch as her eyes dilate. She’s so damn responsive to me. It makes me feel like there’s nothing I can’t do when it comes to this woman.

We eventually drag ourselves from the bed, and step into the shower together. The warm water cascades over us as our hands explore each other’s bodies with a familiarity that feels both new, and yet, utterly timeless. It’s as if we’ve been together for years instead of weeks. I’ve never been this comfortable with another person.

Sure, I’m close to my friends, and my brother, but there’s something between Maria and I that can’t be ignored. We have so much more to learn, and I’m looking forward to every single moment of it.

It takes a long while for us to drag ourselves from the shower, but all good times must eventually come to an end, and we’re burning a lot of calories this weekend. We need fuel. I had clothes delivered to us the day before so we haven’t been stuck in our formal wear or naked the entire time together.

I don’t mind naked one little bit. Maria insists on clothes though. I can eventually change her mind on this. Maybe we’ll move to a nudist colony. No; I immediately change my mind. No other man can look at her but me. She’s mine now.

We sit together at the table amongst a bounty of breakfast food. Maria looks adorable in her workout clothes. We’ve agreed we both need to stretch our legs. We can’t live on sex and food alone, though I don’t see why not. It’s working out so far quite nicely.

“It must be very nice to snap your fingers and make clothes appear. You did good,” she tells me as she runs her hand over the fabric on her shorts.

“I’m not complaining about how good you look in the clothes,” I tell her with a chuckle. “I do have to admit having money makes life easier. Then again, I prefer you naked.”

She’s buttering a piece of toast and looks over with a grin. “I like you naked as well,” she tells me. I put my hands on the hem of my shirt, and she laughs. “Don’t you dare. I need to eat, and we have to get out of this room. I want sunshine on my cheeks and though sex is providing a lot of exercise, I miss running.”

“How about you lie on your back with your legs spread while I move in and out of you and you can try to run in place?” I suggest. Maria throws her head back laughs.

“We might have to try that at a later date, but I have a feeling if you’re in me I won’t be thinking of running anywhere.”

“That’s the plan,” I tell her. I don’t want her to ever run away from me. I want to be right at her side.

I sip on my coffee, happy this hotel has a good brew. “This weekend has been perfect. I want to do many more just like it,” I tell her. I need for her to know this isn’t a one off. We have many more good times ahead of us.

“You want to spend many more weekends together in bed?” she asks with a laugh. Hell yes, I want to spend every night in bed, and many entire days as well. I also want more.

“Yes, many days and nights in bed, naked,” I admit. “I also mean that I want to be together. No other people, just you and me. No rushing, no distractions, no other relationships.” I can’t be any clearer that she’s mine, and I’m hers. There’s no other dating. Her eyes widen a bit as she gets the gist of my words.