I push myself hard, and Nikki and Maria are right here with me. I’m damn impressed with both of them, but of course, my eyes are on Maria ninety-nine percent of the time. How can I not watch her when she looks as good as she does no matter what she’s doing?
“I’m taking advantage of the sauna today. I’ve sweated but not enough,” Maria says when we’re finished.
“Sounds amazing,” Nikki says.
“I’ll join,” I say, not willing to walk away from sharing a sauna with Maria. I wish we were alone for this part, but it might be awkward if I ask Nikki to go away so I can ravage her best friend. It will happen, sooner, rather than later. For now, I have to admit I’m liking that I’m getting to know her.
As soon as we’re in the sauna, the steam envelopes us, the heat seeping into our sore muscles. The sexual tension, which is always present while I’m at Maria’s side, is nearly as stifling as the steam that keeps rising. Every single glance between us, every brush of our skin, and every burning look rushes through me.
“What are you two up to after this?” Nikki asks as she leans back with her eyes closed.
“I have no plans today. That means I can be Maria’s assistant,” I say.
Maria looks at me and smiles. “You wouldn’t want to be my assistant. I’m quite demanding,” she warns.
“I like a bossy woman who takes charge,” I tell her, my voice lowering. “You can even use ropes to keep me in line.” I like the thought of this a hell of a lot.
“It’s way too small in here for that kind of talk,” Nikki says with a laugh, not bothering to look at us. I’m desperately trying to keep myself from getting hard. That doesn’t need to happen in this tiny space. I don’t want Maria to think it has anything to do with her best friend. My eyes are for her alone, and her glistening skin is doing dangerous things to my hormones.
“Well, be careful what you wish for,” Maria says with a laugh.
“I like it. Boss him around,” Nikki says. “I’d think with how busy you are in life, Mason, that you’d be a plan down to the minute sort of man.”
“Sometimes I plan things out, but I’ve learned that life’s short. If you plan too much, you might miss out on a great opportunity.” I pause for a moment. I look Maria straight in the eyes. “I’m not willing to miss out on a single moment with you.” The heat rises in the sauna to near burning levels. I want her in my arms.
“Did you plan on staying the night with Maria?” Nikki slyly asks.
I nearly choke. I wasn’t sure if she knew I stayed the night since we were both perfectly dressed during breakfast. She has her eyes on us a lot more than I realized. It’s a good thing I’m not embarrassed about this. Quite the opposite actually. I spent the night with a beautiful woman. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Well, if she knew that woman slept behind a row of pillows that might be a bit mortifying, but I’m not saying a word. I’m sure Maria will though. Those pillows won’t stay between us for very long, not long at all.
“That was accidental. We came back. I showered. He passed out,” Maria says. I laugh. She’s protesting just a bit too much.
“I didn’t pass out. I simply fell asleep waiting for you,” I correct.
“Or passed out,” Maria insists, making Nikki laugh.
“Mmm, hmm, excuses, excuses. You’re both smiling an awful lot this morning so I don’t think either of you hated it. As a matter of fact, I think you both liked it.”
“Definitely didn’t hate it,” I quickly say. Maria doesn’t add anything. I think she liked it too. I hope to do it again tonight . . . naked.
“So are you two done pretending this is fake?” Nikki boldly asks.
“It’s not fake,” I tell her.
Maria shifts in her seat, making her shorts hike up and my mouth water. I wish we were in here naked. That might not work out so well in a public place. I have a personal sauna at home though where we can certainly be naked together. I have to calm these thoughts before I show exactly how appealing an idea this is to me to both women.
“You two do make a pretty adorable couple,” Nikki says. “I’m happy for you.”
“I’m glad. I’d never get anywhere without the besties approval,” I say.
“That’s true,” Maria agrees.
“Okay, I’ve sweated enough. It’s time to shower and get ready for the day,” Nikki says.
I’m hoping Maria decides to stay. My hopes are dashed as she rises. “Me too.”
I have no choice but to follow. I certainly don’t want to hang out in this room with other people. The three of us make our way out of the gym, wipe the sweat off of us, then head back to our rooms. I’m sure the women will have a lot to talk about. I won’t let Maria get too far away from me, though.
I whistle while I jump back into the shower for a much longer one now. I think I’m going to be smiling for a long while. For the first time in many years, I’m excited to see what’s coming next, and I have no fear of how I’m feeling about a woman. I hope this continues.