“Why don’t we see how many phone numbers we can collect. We each go out, do some flirting, and collect some phone numbers.”
Her eyes widen in surprise, and then she throws her head back and laughs again. At least I’m entertaining her. This has got to give me bonus points.
“You want to go out into the bar and collect numbers?” she questions.
“Yep. You versus me. We can judge on quality and quantity. We can even be each other’s wingmen,” I suggest.
“I want to be the judge,” Nikki says, clearly loving this game. Maria shakes her head.
“I can’t do that. I’m a professional,” Maria says.
“We can do it classily,” I say, loving the idea of this. I wasn’t planning on the conversation going this way, but a man has to be willing to adapt to a situation, and I was losing her attention before I had it. It’s good I’ve always been quick on my feet.
Maria thinks about it for a minute. I’m sure her liquid courage is helping as well. She finally makes a decision. “Why not? I can use a distraction from the usual meet and greets. You’re on,” she tells me.
I hold out my hand. She only hesitates for a moment before sticking her hand in mine. The shock that runs through me tells me I won’t see a single other woman during this conference. I want one, and one alone. She’s in my sights.
I lean uncomfortably close, and enjoy every moment of the hitch in her breath. I drop my voice an octave as I look into her beautiful dark eyes. She’s stunning, clearly talented, and witty as hell. I need to have her.
“Can I get your number?” I ask.
She seems lost for a moment before she shakes her head, breaking the deep connection between us. Holy hell, for a second there, I forgot this was a game. I could easily get lost in this woman.
“Damn, you’re good. I almost ripped out my number for you and I wasn’t even the one you were charming,” Nikki says with a laugh, further breaking the spell between Maria and me.
“You’re good. This is going to be a challenge,” Maria admits. “I’d better get started.” She hops down from the bar, and I already miss her as she easily moves over to a group of men sitting on couches around a table. They quickly invite her to join them. They’d be fools not to.
I keep my eye on her as I approach a group of women not far from Maria. Their eyes widen as I saunter up. This is the reaction I’m used to. I’m good at flirting without taking it over the top. I like that most women I approach are happy to see me.
“Hello, ladies. Are you enjoying the conference?” I ask, assuming they’re a part of it.
The women giggle, clearly happily buzzed. “Yes, we are. How about you?”
“I’m here to enjoy a wonderful literary atmosphere,” I say, giving them a wink. “Do you mind if I join you?”
They eagerly invite me in. It doesn’t take long before I have a few numbers in my hand. I laugh with them before I move on, not even disappointing them when I go because I make it seem like I don’t want to. I don’t want to brag, but I’m pretty smooth. I might not be as smooth as my partner in crime though. I can’t keep my eyes off of her as she smoothly moves among groups, charming the men and women alike, making people laugh and feel comfortable in her presence. She flashes me papers and sends a few winks my way. She’s enjoying our game quite a lot . . . and she’s doing very well at it.
Determined to keep up with Maria, I approach another group, this time a mix of men and women. They easily invite me in. “Hello. Are you guys up to helping a man out?” There are no rules in this game about how we collect the numbers. I don’t cheat, and am disgusted by those who do, but I’ll certainly stretch the rules when I’m allowed to.
They laugh. “Always,” one of the women says as she holds the hand of the man next to her.
I lean in and whisper so Maria won’t hear me. “I’m in a little competition with that beautiful woman behind me to see who can collect the most phone numbers in this room. She’s clearly beating me which is killing my ego. Want to slip me some numbers so I’m not so far behind?” I look to the women and men. There’s nothing in the rules that says where the numbers have to come from. There’s nothing in the rules that the numbers have to lead to dates. The whole purpose of the game is to collect as many numbers as possible. I’m glad ground rules weren’t set. This might work in my favor.
This makes a couple of the men laugh and the women giggle. They love the idea of this game. They quickly agree to help me, and soon I have a whole handful of numbers. I’ve got this in the bag. We should’ve settled on a prize . . . a prize of me getting Maria out on a date with just the two of us all alone. It will happen, I just don’t know when. I’m not known as a patient man, but when something matters I can take all of the time in the world.
We continue our game for another thirty minutes before we make our way back to Nikki who’s been taking pictures and engaging in her own conversations. The second she was alone, more men approached her, like predators seeing their victim alone and vulnerable.
She quickly showed them she’s no victim as she shot one down after another, just as well as Maria was doing, all while wearing a friendly smile. I feel sorry for the men in this room. The two most beautiful women are clearly unavailable. Of course I’ve already put my sights on Maria so she’s mine, and mine alone. I’ll change her availability status before this week is over.
“How did you do?” Maria asks.
“Not too bad,” I tell her as I crumple the papers in my pocket. I don’t want to pull them out in front of the crowd who’s most likely looking at us after we’ve flirted our way through the crowded bar.
“Are they legit numbers or did you simply write down digits?” she asks with skepticism.
“Legit, of course,” I exclaim. I place a hand over my heart. “I’m wounded that you’d think I’d cheat in that way.”
“I propose you both have to actually text every number to prove it’s a real number and you didn’t make it up, and the girl didn’t give you a false number,” Nikki says with a decisive nod.