From another pocket, Otero produces a velvet box. The same one Ruiz had before the ceremony. He opens the lid to reveal the ruby necklace. “I don’t understand. Ruiz said this belonged to my mother, but I’ve never seen it before. My father has already given me all my mother’s jewelry.”
Otero smiles ruefully. “This did belong to your mother. She just hadn’t been gifted it yet. This necklace belonged to her mother. Now, it’s yours.”
The gentle old criminal places the velvet box in my hand. I trace my fingers over the delicate chain and the large, emerald-cut pendant. “I never met my grandmother.”
“She died the year you were born. You look so much like your mother. She had your grandmother’s eyes… and my temper.”
My fingers freeze over the stone. Slowly, I lift my head, questioning what I heard.
“My first wife died in childbirth fifty-four years ago. I hired a woman to help me care for my children. She was beautiful. Hair black as night and dark eyes much like yours. We fell in love, and she gave me a daughter. The island was in turmoil, and I was on my way to taking over the family. I had many competitors, and Paloma feared for her and her daughter’s safety. She didn’t want to marry me for that reason. That doesn’t mean we didn’t stay together. We kept our love a secret to protect them both.
“I took care of them, loved them both, but gave Novia the name of Paloma’s family. Your mother carried that secret to her grave to protect you and your brother.”
“You’re my…?”
“Yes, Cariña. I’m your abuelo.”
His sparkling eyes and affection make much more sense now. “My father never told me.”
“My daughter didn’t want you or anyone else to know. The rest of us respected her wish.”
“If my mother wanted this secret kept from me, why are you telling me now?”
El Gran places his hand over mine. “I’ve often wondered if fear of my retribution would have prevented my daughter’s death. And now, I wonder if it would have kept you safe from Cruz.”
“I doubt it. Dario did not fear my father or you.”
My… grandfather nods solemnly. “I suspected that much and have rectified it. Adolpho Cruz, his son, and all his men are dead. It will be made known far and wide that their deaths were earned with an attempt to kill my granddaughter. My hope is the news will shield you from any future attention.”
“And in return for this protection?”
The old man grins. “You may look like your mother but sound like your father. Cariña, I want nothing from you except a promise to live your life as only you see fit. Your abuela and your mother earned that freedom for you.”
A knock sounds at the door just before it opens. My mind whirls with what El Gr… my abuelo has revealed, but every pain, every racing thought fades in favor of the man walking in. Otero clears his throat. “I’ll be on my way now.”
I don’t respond or even notice him standing to leave. As my grandfather walks out, he pats Austin on the shoulder. “Care for her well… or I’ll slit your throat.”
Austin swears it to the old man, but his eyes never leave mine. I try to sit up higher in the bed, but fire rips through my middle. At my pained expression, Austin lurches forward. “Whoa. Hold on. Let me help.”
Batting his hands away, I pull his face to mine. “You have.”
Austin’s lips touch my forehead. “I’ve lost you three times now. I can’t take anymore.”
Guilt weighs heavily on my heart. “I always feared my life would lead me here. I should have never let you get close. I wanted you even though it was selfish, but I never wanted you to get hurt by my family.”
“The only person on this earth that has the power to hurt me is you. Knowing you walked away for my protection broke me. Watching you marry another man nearly killed me. And when I thought you were dying, I wanted to join you.”
“Don’t say that. This world, Piper, needs you.”
“And I need you,” he whispers.
Warmth spreads throughout my body when Austin’s lips meet mine. The first kiss of the rest of my life is soon interrupted by tapping claws on the hospital floor. A deep voice chuckles from the doorway right after. “I’m glad to see you awake. I’ve never seen these two more mopey.”
I look up to see a giant of a black man walk up to the bed holding Piper’s leash. Piper lifts her front paws onto the mattress, although slowly. “Hi, girl. I missed you.”
Piper whines and nudges my lifted hand with her snout. She comes closer, letting me pet her head. Austin moves to stand by my side. “Marisol, this is my boss, Dillan Knot. Knot, meet Marisol.”