Marisol Delphina Borrero
It’s only by sheer force of will that I keep from destroying the note and the rest of my kitchen. Knowing there’s no way Marisol isn’t already on a plane is the only reason I’m not rushing out the door to stop her.
Piper bumps against my leg with her snout and whines. I kneel and wrap my arms around her, issuing the command for her to stand down. Her charge is gone.
I pick myself up off the floor and look around the room. Marisol was here less than twenty-four hours, but she’s already imprinted all over this house. And Piper. And me.
Marisol has ruined me for anyone else, and I don’t want to let her go. She is right about me taking on the Pastrana cartel. It’s a suicide mission. Not even with all of Knot’s army could I do it.
That doesn’t mean I’m ready to give up, though. I just have to find a different way to eliminate the threat to Marisol. Then she can come back. If she won’t, I’ll go to her.
I don’t think I can live without her dazzling smile and enchanting eyes.
Though Marisol isn’t here, I can still do right by her. I’ll start with her things. I call Piper to come and take the Discovery to the duplex in time to see a tow truck loading up the torched Lexus. Shannon is on scene talking to a first responder, so I detour to the pair, offering the officer my hand. “I’m Austin Madden. The property owner.”
The officer returns the gesture. “What can you tell me about the car’s owner?”
I find it odd that the cop is here, given the fire happened hours ago. Perhaps he’s not the assigned investigator but a cartel pawn fishing for information leading to Marisol. I’ll play along. For now. “She’s a doctor. Friendly. I’ve been making repairs in the other unit and got to know her. She was having some trouble, being harassed by two men. I chased them off yesterday. After learning of the fire, the woman fled to her home in Puerto Rico this morning.” Where the Pastranas can’t get her.
Shannon nods. “I told the officer that she paid her lease in full.”
The officer nods to confirm and asks, “What can you tell me about the men harassing the tenant?”
“They both had Pastrana ink.”
I don’t miss the way he flinches at the news. The man clears his throat and looks up from his notes. “What was Miss Borrero’s association with the Pastrana Cartel?”
“None. She left to keep it that way. Yesterday’s encounter made her think she was targeted for trafficking. In leaving, I believe she saved herself,” I lie.
The cop closes his notebook. “I think I’ve got what I need.”
He turns to leave as the tow truck drives away. Case closed, I think bitterly. These local cops won’t touch the Pastranas, and no one will kick up much fuss over car arson.
I turn toward the unit, and Shannon moves to follow me inside. “I’ve got this, Shannon. Organize a cleaning crew to pressure wash the driveway. Also, the new flooring for the B unit should be in soon. Hire an installer. I’m going to be too busy to put it in myself.”
“What about Miss Borrero’s unit?”
“I’ll let you know when you can list it again. Marisol isn’t coming back.”
Shannon reads into the informal use of the tenant’s first name and my angry tone. Her mouth drops open when she realizes something must have happened between Marisol and me. Thankfully, she doesn’t ask any questions. Shannon leaves, and Piper and I enter Marisol’s half of the duplex.
She had only been here a short time, but her scent fills every room. I walk around the full and partially packed boxes, knowing there’s no way I can get rid of her stuff. Placing my phone and keys on the dining table, I set out to pack Marisol’s things. I’ll store them until it’s safe for her to come back.
I work until late in the night. Thankfully, I still had Piper’s things in the unit next door. She’s been fed and has a bed to sleep in.
At half past one, I crawl into Marisol’s bed to sleep, missing her body and being tortured by her scent.
I’m in absolute shit condition when I drag my ass to work the next morning. The back of my Discovery is full of Marisol’s personal things and valuables. I’ll hire a moving company to handle the rest.
Piper and I head to the gym after stowing my gear. I hook her up to the treadmill, but she just sits. I rack a bar and set it on the bench, but I pretty much do the same. Twenty minutes later, when neither of us has moved, I rack the weights, release Piper, and we relocate to the training floor.
Knot is inside, giving a speech to the potential operatives, but I ignore them, going straight to my office. Piper trudges behind me, showing no interest in visiting her outdoor play area.
I’m so busy thinking through a battle strategy that I haven’t even turned on my computer when Knot walks in several minutes later. “They’re all yours,” he says.
Hearing his voice startles me out of my thoughts. I didn’t notice him come in. “Huh?”