Page 37 of Knot Yours

I don’t elaborate, and Frank doesn’t ask. As usual, I hit the gym first and shower before setting up for the morning’s training. I’ll only have one team here today, and they’ve just returned from a stint overseas.

Once training is done, I dismiss the group and head upstairs for the weekly meeting with the department heads. Knot, the CEO; Birdie, our intel specialist; Mac, the tactical operations support team leader; one of the legal guys; somebody from HR; and I are in attendance.

Knot begins the meeting by giving an update on the upcoming deployment schedule, highlighting the need for additional teams. “Since Sadie won’t be back for another week, Madden and I will evaluate the new candidates. We can bring in the ones that make the cut and get them in the swing of our training schedule. Sadie can distribute the recruits and form the new team later.”

Knot gestures to me and adds, “I’ll have the candidates here tomorrow. I’ll take a run at them first, then they’re all yours.”

After Knot finishes, each in attendance gives a report of their department as the CEO directs. I go first for no good reason. Then, while the others update the boss, my mind wanders, thinking through what the hell I’m supposed to do next with Marisol’s situation. I wasn’t using my head yesterday when I confronted the two Pastrana men. I screwed up and possibly made things worse.

The last thing I need is to become a target for a drug cartel. No, the last thing you need is for Marisol to become a captive of the drug cartel.

Knot dismisses the meeting, and my eyes snap up, realizing I checked out for the remaining reports. Thankfully, no one seems to have noticed. Knowing I’ll have my hands full of new guys tomorrow, I pick up the stack of folders and return to my office to study the backgrounds of our potential recruits.

I’m halfway through the stack when a hard knock sounds at my door. Knot walks in and leans his broad shoulders against the wall. “Was today’s meeting that boring?”

His voice was more amused than anything, so I snicker at being caught. “Busted. I’ve got a lot on my mind today.”

“I could tell.” Knot looks around my office, just now noticing something’s missing. His brow knits, and he asks, “Where’s Piper?”

“I left her at home.”

At his expression, you’d think I just told Knot I left my dick at home. “Why would you do that?”

“I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.”

Knot drops into a guest chair and leans forward. “Now, this, I gotta hear.”

I take a deep breath and lean back. “Piper is at home, guarding a woman I left asleep in bed this morning.”

“You’re right. I don’t believe it.”

I chuckle even though nothing about this is funny. “I uh… We had a little run-in with a couple of soldiers from the Pastrana cartel yesterday.”

And just like that, the boss man is no longer smiling. “I was visiting one of my tenants at her apartment.”

Knot raises a brow—calling bullshit—making me roll my eyes. “Fine. I was visiting the woman I’m seeing when two of them showed up at the rental. Piper and I convinced them to leave.”

“There’s no way it’s that simple. What did they want?”

“My woman. Her name is Marisol Borrero.”

The name doesn’t mean anything to Knot. “Who is she to them?”

“Nothing. Yet. Marisol is a pharmacology doctor from Puerto Rico, but she’s lived stateside for the last twelve years. She doesn’t see patients but does research to explore and develop new medicinal treatments for cancer patients.”

Realization dawns, and Knot leans back in his chair. “Shit.”

Yeah, that just about says it all. Everyone knows the Pastrana family deals in drugs. And though everyone knows about the mob presence in Virginia, no one has had the proof to down the organization. For all I know, they have people high enough in government circles that no one can take them down.

Knot leans forward, still not buying the simple explanation. “These guys wouldn’t target some random doctor for their drug trade. Why her?”

And here’s where things get sticky. I sigh in defeat, knowing I can’t keep this from my friend and boss. “Marisol has ties to the Puerto Rican mob.”

Knot’s jaw drops, and he almost smiles. “Damn, man. You sure know how to pick ‘em.” Then he gets serious again. “Those guys aren’t the forgiving type. If you pissed them off, it won’t go unanswered. They’ll be back, and they’ll bring friends.”

“Yeah, but Marisol won’t be there. I’ve convinced her to stay with me for a while.”

The big man nods. “You’re thinking that if she disappears, they’ll lose interest.”