Page 34 of Knot Yours

He digs his fingers into my hips, taking over again. My breath catches at the glimpse of darkness, and I grab onto his shoulders. This is going to be rough.

Austin sets a punishing pace and releases me to continue it. His hands then roam my body, one to my breast, the other to my throat. I keep up as well as I can, but when he pinches a nipple, I stutter in my rhythm.

Bit by bit, heat builds inside, leading me toward something devastating. After a few more strokes, the orgasm that tears through me is unlike any that I’ve induced with my battery-operated toys. The fire that started from deep within spreads outward until I’m nothing but a shaking, sobbing mess.

Austin stands and flips us, laying me out on the wet cushions. The rain falls heavier now, and he hovers above me to keep me from drowning. Austin pounds into me, completely unaffected by the chill.

I widen my legs to give him plenty of room, and the hammering continues until Austin rears back and groans through his climax. Instead of collapsing onto me, he yanks me up and pulls me onto his lap again.

I’m glued to his chest as the rain pummels my back. I don’t mind it now. My skin is overheated from our lovemaking. Austin holds my head to his shoulder and wraps an arm around me. If it were up to me, we’d never leave this spot.

Eventually, the adrenaline haze wears off, and the rain overpowers the warmth of the spring day. I shiver, and Austin kisses my head and sits me up. “I need to get you warmed up and fed.”

Since that sounds like heaven to me, I don’t argue. I slide my feet down and stand on unsteady legs while Austin reaches for our sopping clothes. We walk naked inside, and I continue toward his bathroom.

Austin isn’t far behind me, taking the wet clothes to the laundry room. He walks into his bedroom as I finish drying off and wraps the towel around my hair. His gaze roams over my naked body, and he shakes his head to start his feet moving again.

I suffer the same condition watching his tight ass as he strolls into the massive closet. Austin returns to me, holding out an Army Rangers t-shirt. I release my hair from the towel and slip the shirt over my head. Austin steps into a pair of flannel pants from his dresser, not bothering with underwear.

I’m fingering through my damp hair when I catch Austin staring. “What?”

“I’ve seen you classy, sexy, and messy, but I think adorable Marisol could be my favorite.”

A blush rises to warm my cheeks, and I walk from the room ahead of Austin.

Piper is still lounging on a doggie cot when I enter the living area. The rain is coming down in sheets, beating against the windows. I hadn’t even realized a storm was coming.

Piper lifts her head when I approach, and I carefully reach out to scratch between her ears. She chuffs a happy sound and leans into my hand. Austin walks by, grinning at the two of us getting along. “I’m going to make us something to eat. How does a steak dinner sound?”

“It sounds wonderful.”

I follow Austin to the chef’s kitchen and sit on a stool when he refuses to let me help. He pours a glass of wine for me, and I sit perched at the bar, watching him prep the meal. Fresh garlic, butter, and rosemary are chopped and mixed by his skillful hands. The steaks are then seasoned and put aside. Next, Austin peels and cuts two potatoes.

I’ve never considered cooking to be an erotic experience, but watching Austin move confidently around his kitchen is doing all kinds of things to me. The massive range ignites with a click, and Austin sets a large iron skillet over the flame. As it heats, the chef slips into a black apron, and I giggle when he turns around.

The food tastes better than I look, and I look good. Austin’s eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles at my reaction. “A gift from my brother.”

Austin sears the steaks, bathes them in butter, and pops them in the oven. After dropping the potatoes in a pot of boiling oil, he slices up a loaf of crusty Tuscan bread.

His skill in the kitchen is already impressive, but Austin takes things a step further when he mixes seasonings with olive oil, spreading it on the boule. If I weren’t already hooked, Austin’s cooking show definitely would have done the job.

I offer to set the table, looking forward to sampling Austin’s cooking. By the time he puts the plated food on the table, my mouth is watering. The meal is a masterpiece, and I shamelessly stuff myself. “Do you eat like this often? If so, how do you stay so fit.”

Austin tries to hide a smile. “This isn’t as spur of the moment as it seems. I planned to ask you over for dinner tomorrow night. My opportunity to cook for you just came a day early.”

I help clean up when we’re done, and Austin feeds Piper. Afterward, we wrap up in a blanket on the sofa and listen to the rain. I’m snuggled against Austin’s chest, my back to his front, and his hand caresses my middle beneath my shirt.


“Mmm?” he hums, kissing my hair.

“Thank you.”

I feel him smile against my temple. “For?”


Austin is gone when I wake in his big bed in the morning. Sunshine pours in through the windows, the sky crystal blue after the showers that passed through last night.