The Indian man laughs. “That is very true. You would be too difficult to replace, Miss Phelps.”
An older Toyota sedan pulls in behind the Sentinels and stops, leaving the engine idling. No doubt, this is Sambi’s ride.
Aaron joins us at the armored truck and greets the reliable outfitter and his associate. “Sambi.”
“Grim, good to see you, my friend.”
With a genuine smile for our longtime field supplier, Aaron bends down and man-hugs Sambi, following the friendly gesture by offering his hand to Sambi’s assistant.
“The trucks are just like the last ones you used. I understand your deployment could be an extensive one. I’ll be in Kabul for the next two weeks. Should you need anything, please call me.”
Two MPs step up to admire the Sentinels, and Sambi shakes his head. “You probably should give me plenty of notice before you depart. I fear that if I am not here to see you home, one of these bastards might appropriate them into the service.”
It wouldn’t be the first time, I think with a smile. The Indian man bows and turns to leave with his crew in the old Toyota while my people load our gear into the Sentinels. It’s still dark, but Shindand will be up and moving in about an hour. I’d hate to be late for our first day.
The powerful Sentinels are on the move less than four minutes after we land. No one needs directions, as we’re often stationed here with the teams we’re contracted to support.
For this particular mission, we don’t have far to go to reach Colonel Heathman, just to a small group of buildings inside the main gate. Arriving at the building the Army is using as headquarters, there’s no missing the commotion taking place just outside.
I have Aaron stop the truck for me to hop out and locate the colonel. I find him inside HQ’s entrance, shelling out orders to his men. He notices me and motions me over. “Phelps, you’re just in time. We have info on our first target and are moving out in an hour. Corporal Jennings, see that Knot’s people know where to go. Phelps, I’ll get you briefed, and then you can coordinate your team.”
The young corporal jogs out of the building, and I follow the colonel and a captain into a conference room. Five minutes later, I have enough information to get moving and follow the corporal’s directions to a pair of rooms in the barracks. Chelsea, my only roommate for this mission, is already finished stowing her gear when I walk in. My gear has been brought in and sits on one of the beds. “Chels, we’ve got orders. Go get the others, and we’ll meet in here.”
“On it,” she says as she jogs out the door.
Pulling open my bag, I curse my stupid self for not sleeping on the plane. Since I’m not the type to send someone in my place just so I can get some rest, I pull out the gear I’ll need and rush to strap on my body armor and belt.
I’ve just begun loading up with my various weapons and tools as the remaining members of our blended team file into the room.
“The first raid team pulls out in forty-five minutes for a target about fifty klicks from here. Aaron and I will take this first run. Zach, you’re to liaise from field to base command, which means you’re to be available twenty-four-seven. Also, since no one knows what to expect, we all should be on an alternating rest/alert schedule so that there’s always a team ready. Who wants to be next in line?”
“We’ll be next,” Chelsea volunteers, and Bash nods his assent.
“I’ll keep you updated through Zach and request relief if necessary.”
Shoving my knife into its holster, the last of my gear, I turn my attention to Aaron, dismissing the rest of the group “Gear up. I’ll meet you outside.”
Aaron rushes back out to get ready, and as the others turn to leave, my gaze meets Maxen’s briefly. I hadn’t planned to engage, still feeling like a damned coward even after the thong episode in the situation room.
I still can’t figure out how to act around him. It’s not like with my brothers, where awkwardness or arguments can be settled with a well-placed shoulder nudge or headlock. If Mrs. Bea were here, she’d lecture me on how a girl should act, as she did before my first date. Too bad her lessons never stuck.
So, I’ll walk my cowardly ass out of here and get to work and deal with this Maxen business later.
I brush past him to leave the room and take about five steps around the next corner before he calls my name. Dammit. All I needed was another forty feet to be safely outside.
“Hey, Sadie, wait.”
Ok, Sadie. Marine Raider. Put on your big bitch panties and deal with this. Straightening my spine, I stop and wait for Maxen’s hurried steps to catch up. “We haven’t had a chance to talk.”
I hold up my hand to stop the embarrassing don’t tell anyone about us. It was just a thing speech. “There’s nothing to talk about. We’re adults. We were both curious. That itch has been scratched, and you won’t have to worry about me following you around like a lost puppy.”
Maxen’s eyes light up, and he grins like a Cheshire cat. He looks away from my face to the various rooms along the hall before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the one marked Maintenance.
In the next breath, his hand is wrapped around my throat, and I’m shoved against the door. “You’re so full of shit, Fate.”
I don’t get the chance to argue because Maxen attacks, shoving his body against mine as his tongue plunders my mouth. His hand slides down my front to cup me through the fabric of my pants. My body’s response is instant, becoming slick with arousal and pressing into his hand.
Maxen’s lips leave mine to nip and suck along my jaw. Out from under his expert lipnosis, I try bucking him off me, though all my parts beg me not to. “Dammit, Maxen.”