He looks down at me, and I know desire when I see it. His voice is heady when he counters. “I guess we’ll see.”
Leo invites me to come train with him for a second day in a row, but I’m forced to turn him down. Not because I don’t want to, but I’m behind on accounting and I’ve promised Micki a half day at the mall to get Christmas shopping out of the way. She’s been deep in her books since Halloween cramming for finals, and I know she needs a break.
As nice as it is to have a girls’ day out, there’s a constant thrumming inside me that increases in intensity every time I think of Leo. Something is building between us and I’m past the point of trying to stop it.
After we get back, I keep an eye on his apartment from my kitchen table while I’m wrapping a book and a sweater for Harvey and a pair of earrings Micki picked out for herself, insisting that come Christmas she’ll have forgotten all about them. The dogs are resting at my feet but look up every time I move as if they’re worried I’m going to leave again. They probably miss Harvey as much as he misses them.
Finally, just after seven, the light inside Leo’s place turns on, and I spot him moving into the kitchen. I wrestle with several pieces of tape that are stuck to my fingers to get them off, and then I reach for my laptop.
Living History Illinois Flockify DM, Sunday 07:12 PM
SingerQueen: What do ghosts want for Christmas?
AlCaponesGhost25: Is that a riddle? Boo-ts? Boo-ze? A boo-merang?
SingerQueen: No, I meant you.
AlCaponesGhost25: Or if it’s a pervy ghost, boo-bs and boo-ty…
SingerQueen: Lol stop. It was purely a wish list question.
AlCaponesGhost25: Because you thought of me today?
He caught me there.
SingerQueen: Yes.
AlCaponesGhost25: Interesting. What exactly were you thinking?
What wasn’t I thinking? After his teasing yesterday, my mind’s been stuck on a loop playing a scenario where nabbing his notebook ended very differently. His lips on mine, naked skin, his hands in… places. My cheeks flush hot.
SingerQueen: I can’t tell you that.
AlCaponesGhost25: Sure you can.
My eyes flick up above the screen, and there he is, watching me through his window. Even across the distance, his gaze burns hot, igniting my blood.
SingerQueen: I think you are a pervy ghost.
AlCaponesGhost25: Never said I wasn’t. Tell me something real.
SingerQueen: Real?
AlCaponesGhost25: Pretend we’re still anonymous. What are you thinking now?
I let out all the air from my lungs. Close my eyes.
SingerQueen: I’m thinking of a man who once took off his shirt in the middle of a cornfield at night.
AlCaponesGhost25: I didn’t realize I’d made an impression.
SingerQueen: Come on. False modesty doesn’t become you. You know you’re hot.
Through the window I see his lips stretch into a smile. Then he looks at me again.
AlCaponesGhost25: All you have to do is say the word. If it was up to me, you’d be a lot closer than you are right now.
SingerQueen: Wouldn’t that ruin our budding friendship?