I take in his profile. The sturdy, straight nose, sharp jawline, and lightly tan skin. He’s at ease behind the wheel, relaxed. Despite his choice of words, I don’t think he means to be rude. “Thanks. I’ll take it under consideration.” I pick up my phone to distract from the gnawing.
The rest of the ride to the hospital goes by in a blur. Leo makes a few more attempts at conversation, but all I can think about is Harvey, so he probably regrets offering up his driving services.
I assume Leo will drop me at the entrance and be on his way, but he parks and stays at my side as I walk into the ER. There’s a shift in him when we step into the waiting room, a subtle tensing of the shoulders, but he doesn’t say anything as he sits down next to me.
Thankfully, it’s a quiet Tuesday morning in the emergency department, and a nurse comes to get us after only a brief wait.
“We’ve given him something for the pain so he’s comfortable,” she says, opening the door. “The doctor will be here shortly.”
“Thanks,” I say, my hands clutched tightly together.
Harvey has his eyes closed, but he blinks them open when I approach the bed.
“How are you, Pop?” I ask, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“Doing good.” Harvey smiles. “They’ve got quality drugs in this place. My hip is busted, they tell me, so now I’m going to be a bob—” He sighs. “A rob… robert.” Another slow grin. “No, that’s not my name.”
I look to see if Leo understands what he’s saying.
Leo takes a step closer to the bed. “Do you mean a robot, Harvey?”
“That’s what I said,” my grandpa mumbles.
“Because of the artificial hip,” Leo clarifies to me as if I’m incapable of deductive reasoning. “Wow, he is pretty out of it.”
“Am not, young man,” Harvey says with more gusto.
“You remember Leo, right, Pop?” I ask. “He gave me a ride here.”
“Leo. That’s right.” He gestures for me to come closer, and then says in what I assume is supposed to be a whisper but that falls far from the mark, “Your nemesis.”
I shake my head and sigh before venturing a glance at Leo, who looks amused.
“Nemesis, huh?” He cocks a brow.
I ignore him and turn back to Harvey. “Okay, I think that’s enough talking.”
“He is a handsome fellow, though,” Harvey says as if he didn’t hear me. “Don’t you think he’s handsome?”
My face goes hot. Where are the doctors when I need them?
“I had blond hair like that when I was your age,” Harvey says to Leo.
“Really?” He smiles.
I give him a warning glare not to encourage this, but he seems to be enjoying the conversation quite a bit.
“And I was a hit with the ladies.” Harvey nods.
“I bet.”
Please stop it, I mouth to Leo.
Stop what? he mouths back.
“Leo.” Harvey pats the bed in an invitation to sit, which he does. “You’ll take care of her, right? When I’m gone?”
“Um…” Leo finally looks like he’s bitten off more than he can chew and blinks blankly at my grandpa.