I stared at her reflection as her pink tongue peeked out to lick her bottom lip. Those perfect eyes met mine, and held.
“That’s what was on your kink list.” The realization rocked me, and a tingling started beneath my balls, rocketing upward in a way no amount of homework recitals could prevent. “You like to be covered in—Fuck,” I roared, gripping her shoulder and shoving myself root deep as I stained her insides white.
She trembled, her lips parting in a pretty ‘o’ shape as she came with me, milking my cock in long ripples as her walls tortured me within an inch of my sanity.
“I love you, Queen,” I murmured into her hair, holding her upright as she sagged over the sink. “I’ll be yours as long as you’ll have me.”
“Forever,” she whispered tiredly, shivering through a series of aftershocks that drew a deep groan from me.
I nodded, gathering her to me and pulling my cock from her body. It was all too easy to enjoy the way my seed dripped along her inner thighs, knowing that was one fetish I’d take to the extreme with her any fucking day.
“Forever,” I promised, scooping her up and carrying her to the bedroom.
She purred softly on my shoulder through the next hours where I stared into her stunning face, and thanked her with gentle kisses and soft strokes over her hair for letting me into her life.
Utter perfection.
My Queen.
Life as a minor campus celebrity was strange, but not as strange as being Jax Palmer’s girlfriend. For the first time in my life I had love on demand from someone who wasn’t family, or my overzealous roommate.
Who was still overzealous and still bouncy as all get out, and I loved her for it.
More, I loved her for the fact that, despite that I knew she didn't actually like Jax for the way he abandoned me at the hospital. She knew he made me happy, and she shut up about it, though I caught her death glaring at him on no less than four occasions before lunch.
What more could a girl ask?
“Used to having your ass hanging out on an album cover yet?” Celia teased me, swinging her leg over the edge of the sofa in the Kingsman house where I passed out thanks to Napoleon Lancaster’s little brother.
I still hadn’t had words with him, nor had Jax, to my knowledge. But it was coming. I sensed his irritation with not closing off that loose thread like a pending eruption. His fingers twitched against my shoulder while Xoan tried to sit still, managing to almost conceal his dislike of being around people.
“I'm not sure I’ll ever be used to it,” I said honestly, smiling at the rockstar.
I still wasn't used to being around the campus superstar either, and fangirled at least a dozen times alongside Celia though I kept my efforts muted when I understood his fear of contact with others. Crush did us a favor and set Celia up as promised on campus accommodations.
Or more correctly, Nash did.
I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that. He organized her new digs in a less commonly used bell tower at the edge of campus, but on campus her room was and that mattered right now.
“You snore.” Jax murmured, flicking the full album cover around in his fingers.
It wasn't just his wall art and my butt on the cover that made it into the collection. The entire album cover and all his graphic design was clearly visible in the cover art enhanced with little tiny bee trails darting all over it.
Even my bees were famous.
His gothic-looking girlfriend dropped in earlier in the day with a bunch of swag for an event at the next Allstars game that we all agreed to wear and promote for him.
That wasn't exactly the hard part.
Crush pulled out a pair of hot pants and wrinkled his nose. “I'm not sure my ass will fit in these.”
Sylvie, Beau Bennett's girlfriend, pranced into the room already wearing a pair with Xoan Kennedy and Lullaby emblazoned right on the seat in glittery letters. She shook her behind in our direction.
"They fit just fine right here,” she announced without an inkling of shame whatsoever.