“I dunno.” Angel scrunches up his face. So damn adorable. “He just seemed… off.”
My heart is already in danger of falling head over heels for Angel, and this only inches me closer. He pays attention. He notices the little things. He cares about someone who is basically a total stranger. I never realized how fucking sexy kindness could be.
I glance over my shoulder to where Hayden is saying hello to Sebastian and Noel and their respective boyfriends. He looks fine now, his typical grinning and cheerful self.
When I turn back to Angel, he’s watching me like he can’t tear his gaze away.
I don’t know what to do. Hayden is the most loyal friend I could ever ask for. He only wants what’s best for me. I understand where he’s coming from, and under any other circumstances I would wholeheartedly agree.
But I can’t help it. Maybe Hayden’s right and I’ll end up getting hurt. But that’s a risk I have to take.
The guys come over and I introduce Angel to Noel and Bellamy. Then we grab the VIP booth that’s usually reserved for The Camboy Network as part of the sponsorship deal Sebastian negotiated for us.
Angel and I sit next to each other, squished into the booth so tight I’m practically in his lap. He’s got his arm looped around my waist, hand resting on my opposite hip, and I’m leaning back against his chest.
Every now and then, I catch Hayden regarding us, wary and guarded, and I feel myself getting tugged in opposite directions. I keep fending off his concerns with claims that Angel is straight and there’s nothing but friendship between us. But the truth is, it’s frighteningly easy for me to forget that Angel’s not mine.
He’s so free with his touches, so casually intimate. He’s always looking at me like I’m some rare and precious jewel. How am I supposed to keep my defenses up? How am I supposed to stay away?
I leave the table for my second act of the night. It goes off without a hitch and my attention stays on the VIP booth the entire time. After I take my bow, I hurry back to the dressing room to change into my street clothes. I’m just behind the privacy screen, tugging on my shirt, when I hear Hayden’s voice.
He says hello to Anna and the other dancers hanging out back here.
“Oh my, and who is this you have with you?” Anna asks
I freeze. Did Hayden bring Angel to the dressing room? Why would he do that? I poke my head around the edge of the screen to find Angel with his ears glowing pink.
“Hi.” He waves shyly. “I’m Angel.”
“The newest addition to The Camboy Network,” Hayden adds.
That sends them all atwitter, shooting a barrage of questions at Angel.
“That’s supposed to be a secret,” I jump in, pinning Anna with a look. “Our video’s not out yet and Sebastian wants to do this whole launch thing, so you can’t tell anyone.”
Anna’s eyes grow even wider than they already were. “Our? You mean…” She points between me and Angel.
Ah, fuck. I didn’t mean to let that slip. And there’s no point in denying it now that Angel’s ears have gone fire-engine red. I move to stand in front of him, as if I can physically block him from view.
“It’s a secret!” I hiss at Anna, who just breaks out in laughter.
“Down girl, I wasn’t about to out your man.”
Longing surges through me at the description of Angel as my man. God, I want that so much, it’s staggering.
I glance cautiously back at Angel, not sure how he’ll take being called my man. But his only reaction seems to be the flush that has spread across his cheeks. His gaze is cast to the side and he scratches his jaw. Does it not bother him? How come he’s not denying it?
“Anyways, it’s lovely to meet you, Angel.” Anna holds out her hand, palm down.
After a moment of hesitation, Angel takes it and brings it to his lips for a quick brush.
“What a gentleman!” Anna exclaims. “I wish I could stick around longer, but the show must go on!”
She can’t leave fast enough, in my opinion.
I take Angel’s hand, the same one he used to hold Anna’s, and drag him over to my makeup station. It makes zero sense, it’s completely irrational, but I want Angel to kiss my hand, not Anna’s. I want him to hold my hand, not hers.
“I, uh, should probably get going,” Angel says quietly, looking sheepish.