Page 37 of Angel

My stomach clenches. I forgot he was going to ask that question. I’m supposed to say maybe so we’re not committing to anything, but we’re not ruling anything out either. Keep things open and ambiguous. It’s supposed to heighten anticipation or something.

But the word gets caught in my throat and my hand tightens on Rhys’s knee. I can feel his gaze on me, weighty and constant and oddly soothing.

I should say maybe. Just say it. What’s so hard about that? It’s two syllables. I say the word all the time. It doesn’t even mean anything. It’s just a word that’s been scripted out for me.

But I can’t. My body won’t let me.

Because I want to say yes instead.

Because… I need the money. Yes, that’s right. That’s what I told Sebastian when he asked me that day at Rhys’s apartment. A bit of extra cash to help make ends meet before Sabrina gets herself a job.

Sebastian’s paying me pretty well for today, but one video won’t make much of a dent in the house’s two mortgages. I’ll need to make a bunch more in order to pay off the house. And give Sabrina more time with Jonah before she has to go back to work. Then build a cushion so things aren’t always so tight.

It’s the smart thing to do, right? It’s not like this was a horrible experience or anything. It’s actually kind of fun? How else would I be able to make so much money so easily? Yeah. Yeah, it is the smart thing to do.

“I, uh, I think so?” My heart is hammering against my ribs as I speak, sending blood rushing past my ears.

Sebastian blinks in surprise, gaze flitting to Rhys.

Next to me, Rhys is stock-still, unmoving. I glance toward him and our gazes collide, stealing the air from my lungs.

There’s surprise in his eyes too, but also something else. Something that reaches into me and wraps itself around my heart. It tugs so hard I can feel the physical sensation in the middle of my chest as it reels me in.

We’re already so close, pressed up against each other. And yet we’re not close enough. I want to be closer. I want to draw Rhys into my arms and get so tangled up with him that I can’t tell where I end and he begins.

I’m here for the money. I’m here for the money. I’m here for the money.

And only for the money. I gulp.

“And Rhys?” Sebastian sounds like he’s a world away. “Would you do another video with Angelo?” he asks.

Rhys doesn’t hesitate. “In a heartbeat.”

After wrapping up the shoot, Sebastian and Christian start packing away the equipment while Rhys and I get dressed again. He emerges from the bathroom in a light blue floor-length skirt with black boots peeking out from under the hem. His white shirt is loose enough to hang off one shoulder and cropped to reveal a band of smooth stomach. He’s touched up his makeup and added a fresh coat of gloss to his lips.

I stare at him, speechless, as he twists left and right, making the skirt swish around him.

“So, um, what are you up to for the rest of the day?” He winces like he hadn’t expected to ask me that question.

I blink, drawing a blank. Suddenly, the only thing I want to do is grab Rhys and tumble onto the bed in a pile of limbs. But I did have something planned for tonight… what was it?

Oh, yeah. “I, um, have Sunday dinner with Mama.”

Rhys’s brows draw up and together, and his eyes soften with tenderness. “That’s so sweet!”

I shrug. It’s really not a big deal. I have dinner with Mama all the time. It’s easier than having to cook for myself. But Sunday dinners have always been special—and mandatory. “I go every week.”

Rhys nods. “I get it.”

“Do you want to come?” Ah, shoot. I had not meant to ask that. I mean, yeah, a part of me wants to keep spending time with Rhys, but bringing him to Sunday dinner feels… inappropriate?

I don’t usually bring friends over for the weekly family dinner, but then, most of my friends have their own to go to. I’m pretty sure Rhys doesn’t, but still. You don’t just bring anyone home for Sunday dinner. And I don’t even know if Rhys and I are actually friends.

Rhys smiles and tilts his head. His hair brushes over his bare shoulder, and all of a sudden, I need to know what it would feel like on my skin. I tamp it down and drag my gaze from his shoulder back to his face.

“Thanks. You’re such a teddy bear. But I’ve already promised Hayden we’d order in.”

I nod as disappointment and relief fill me at the same time.