Page 29 of Angel

I know that Sebastian’s already given him a truckload of information about safe sex, consent and limits, and blah, blah, blah. The boys and I joke that the only thing Sebastian loves more than Christian is paperwork.

Both Angel and I tested negative for STIs. I’m always on PrEP, but The Camboy Network covered Angel’s prescription for him. Angel had to fill out a form about what sex acts he was okay with and what was off the table—not that we’re doing anything especially kinky today.

We’ve even gone over today’s shooting schedule, scene by scene, and rehearsed some of the lines Sebastian wrote for us.

The past couple weeks have been pretty intense, to be honest. More than any other video Sebastian’s directed, and those have always been intense. But Angel is new to this, and Sebastian, being who he is, went the extra ten miles.

Which is why I’m pretty sure that Angel’s questions have more to do with nervousness than how today will go down. I don’t blame him—I’m nervous as hell too.

“You’ll be with me, right?” he finally asks, and fuck if it doesn’t make my heart swell in my chest.

“Yup. Every step of the way.” I take one of his hands and unfurl his fingers to sandwich them between my palms. “I’ve got you.”

He smiles, small and sweet, and I want to believe it’s just for me.

Still holding his hand, I lead him out to the living room where Sebastian has the first scene set up. It’ll be the pre-video interview where Sebastian asks us a bunch of questions so we can “connect” with our audience.

Angel takes a seat on the couch and I curl up next to him, turned toward him with my legs tucked under me. Sebastian sits opposite us and Christian hits the record button on the camera.

“Angelo, Rhys, thank you both for being here with us today.” Sebastian uses the stage name we came up with for Angel. I had a bunch of out-there ideas, but Angel felt more comfortable using something closer to what he’s used to.

Angel’s ears flush as he smiles shyly and mumbles a hello.

I lean in, lifting my elbow onto the back of the couch and resting my hand lightly on his shoulder. Angel glances at it, then lifts his gaze to mine. We’re inches apart and I’m caught in those soft, warm browns that make me feel all ooey gooey on the inside.

This keeps happening to me. Angel gets close, he stares into my eyes, and it’s like I’m hypnotized, ensnared, trapped. I can’t look away, I can barely breathe. I just want to bask in his attention, soak it all in until I burst.

Sebastian clears his throat. “So, uh, Angelo, this is the first time you’re doing a video with The Camboy Network.”

Angel turns toward Sebastian, but he keeps his eyes locked on mine until the last moment. “Yeah, it is.”

“Fun fact, you’re not actually gay, right?” Sebastian keeps his tone light and he smiles encouragingly. The question shouldn’t take Angel by surprise. Sebastian sent them to both of us a few days ago.

Angel shakes his head. “No, I’m straight.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Angel scratches his jaw and shoots Sebastian a rueful look. It looks real, like almost too real. Like, if I didn’t know Angel was the least disingenuous person on the planet, I would think he’s acting.

“No, not at the moment.”

“And this will be your first time with a guy?”

Angel sneaks another glance at me and my breath catches. “Yeah.”

Sebastian lets the moment linger before continuing. “Rhys, how do you feel about being Angelo’s first man?”

My heart thuds against the inside of my ribs. So hard and loud that I’m sure the microphone can pick it up. I feel… hungry for him, possessive, greedy. I want to be Angel’s first. I want to be his only. I want to snatch him up and hoard him all to myself, so no one else can have him. I want him to be mine.

“I’m going to show him the time of his life,” I say, still watching Angel as he watches me. I’m going for a fun and flirty tone, but my voice is a bit too husky for that. Angel’s eyes go a little unfocused.

“Well, Angelo, you are in good hands!” Sebastian exclaims with too much enthusiasm, but neither of us react.

We’re too wrapped up in each other, in this magnetism that keeps drawing us closer together. I lean in. My chest is pressed against Angel’s arm. His lips part and his breath hitches silently. When he exhales, warm air blows across my chin.

I tilt my head and lean in a little more. My nose brushes against his. His beard tickles my skin. My lips slot into place against his.

No one moves. No one makes a sound. All around me is stillness and silence. But inside, fireworks are exploding, sirens are sounding, and my brain is screaming in excited and confused shock.