The pressure in my chest demanding oxygen is becoming too much.  My eyes are starting to close despite my willing them to keep focused.  And worse, my limbs have stopped listening to my command to fight, just dropping lifelessly to my side.

“This is going to be so much fun, you stupid bitch.”  He brings his hand back, and with one hard punch to my temple, I’m out cold.

I’m not sure how long I’m out.  When I come to, I fight with myself to get past the fog.  My head is pounding and my body is sore.  Without opening my eyes, I take stock of my body.  I hurt, but nothing that makes me too concerned.  The fact that I can feel that my clothing has been torn from my body, however, is enough for me to become instantly terrified.  Between all my pains and aches, it’s hard to tell if he took me, but I’m almost positive that he hasn’t raped me…yet.

I hear a phone ring, a tone I know is not mine, and I breathe a sigh a relief when Shawn stops what he is doing, climbs off me, and answers the phone.

“What?” he barks farther away from where I’m laying.

After a brief silence, I hear him and my heart stops.

“Yeah, I fucking got her, Ram, and don’t you fucking worry.  When I’m done with her, she won’t pull this shit again.”

Oh.  My.  God.

My own father orchestrated this.  I shouldn’t be surprised.  He’s never exactly acted like he gave a damn, but knowing that he sent this monster after me is devastating.  I know it sounds stupid, to still hope that the father who willingly objectifies his own daughter might care just a little—but like the dreamer I am, I couldn’t help but pray that, one day, he would.  I know now how foolish that was.

“Yeah, you’re damn right she begged.  I’ll set her straight.  Don’t you fucking worry.  Don’t even sweat it, Ram.  Come tomorrow morning—or night—I’ll be headed back there and then you can let the other boys take their turn with her.  Seems about right after all the trouble her little boy toy caused.”

When I hear his voice get farther away, I know this is my moment.  Peeking my eyes open and seeing his shadow falling from the open doorway of the bathroom gives me the time I need.  I move as quickly as my body will allow and get to the hotel phone.  After snatching it off the cradle, I press ‘0’ and wait.  When I hear the operator answer, I whisper my room number, begging for them to send help quickly.  Then I shove the phone beside the bed and the nightstand and make my way to where I left my cell charging on the desk, fumbling for a second as I listen to Shawn laugh at whatever my father is saying.

Laughing about destroying his own flesh and blood.

I manage to get my phone turned on and the phone app open to dial Maddox before I hear Shawn coming behind me.  I quickly toss the phone to the side, praying that I pressed the button to connect the call before I had to abandon it.

“Little bitch is awake now, Ram.  It’s time for me to have some fucking fun before I bring her home.”  He laughs again.

I curl into a ball when he gives me a hard kick, landing his boot right into my shin.  I cry out in pain, my voice still sounding foreign to my ears.  He gives me another kick, clearly enjoying the fact that he’s hurt me.  The pain is overwhelming this time and I get sick again.  I’m not even sure what wetness on my body is from vomit, blood, or my tears.

“You going to fight me again, slut?  This cunt is mine, and I’m done playing games.  It’s time for you to remember exactly who you belong to.  You’re never going to be more than Syn—and even if that bastard got some grand idea to come after you again, he wouldn’t want you when I’m finished anyway.”

He towers over me, grabbing me by my hair and hauling me from the floor.  Then he slaps me across the face before shoving me onto the bed.  I fight again, ignoring the pain in my arm and leg, kicking and slapping, but in the end, he’s just too strong for me.  I’m not sure how long I was able to fight him.  It feels like an eternity, and with his hand back on my throat, I pass out, praying that help isn’t too far away.

Chapter 21—Maddox

Coming back to the apartment without Emmy wasn’t how I’d seen the night ending.  As foolish as it was to believe that we could just fall back into whatever we had before, but I hadn’t anticipated her telling me to leave.  It took one hell of a battle with my mind to get my feet to leave that room.  To get my legs to carry me out of the hotel and into my car.  It took even longer to convince my mind to leave her there.