Two seconds later, little Lyndsie is in my arms and I sigh with contentment.


Dinner went off without a hitch.  I knew it would, even if I was a little worried about what would happen if we had some sort of weird reaction.  Cohen was the icebreaker we needed, and by the time we get home, Maddox’s mood is even lighter.

He’s just one more baby step closer to being free of the things that haunt him.  I know he might not like the talk I have planned for tonight, but it’s time, and after seeing him take this last step tonight, I know he’s ready.



He looks over at me from the other side of the couch with a grin.

“Can we talk about something?”

He mutes the television and turns his attention back to me.  “What’s up, Em?”  He takes a deep breath, and I know he’s thinking the worst.

“Come here first,” I request, patting the cushion next to me.

He places his iPad down on the coffee table and moves over.  Then, much to my surprise, he lifts me off the couch and places my ass in his lap.  I loop my arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss.  His body visibly relaxes some at that.

“Calm down, baby,” I whisper against his cheek before giving him another kiss.

“I think it’s safe to say that I’m not going to like whatever we’re going to talk about, so forgive me if I can’t just calm down, Em.”

“Right.  Well, maybe I’ll surprise you?”

He just chuckles and pulls me closer.

“I want to go to Texas.”  There.  I said it.  It’s out there.  Now, he can just accept it.

Yeah, right.  Ugh, I shouldn’t have blurted that out.

“You what?” he thunders.

“Okay—I’ll admit that I should have led up to that.”

“You fucking think?”

“Hey!  I don’t know what you’re getting pissed about, Maddox.  I haven’t even explained myself.”  I go to bring my arms down from around his neck, but he quickly moves to hold them in place.

His face moves close and his nose touches mine.  “Why in the hell do you want to go to Texas, Em?”

“Because it’s time,” I state calmly.  I hold his gaze, and after what feels like the longest time, he drops his forehead to mine.

“I don’t want you near them, Em.  I don’t want you close enough for them to get their claws into you.”

There.  Now he’s said it—the one thing I know was still holding him back.

He’s afraid that, if I get near his family—that ‘temptation of power,’ he calls it—and their evil, it might suck me in.

My heart breaks for him.

“Talk to me.  Please.  Tell me what’s going through your head.”

He doesn’t speak, his forehead still against mine.

“Maddox, baby?” I press.

“I’m terrified, Emmy.  I am downright terrified that they could hurt you.”

“I’m a lot tougher than you’re giving me credit for here, Maddox.”

“I know you are, but they’re… Jesus.  I don’t even know how to explain it.”  He pulls back and looks into my eyes.  “This is important to you?”

“Very.”  I don’t say anything else.  I let his eyes study my own and wait.

“You want that box in hell, yeah?”

I nod my head.

“All right.  Let’s get you fixed up and then we’ll head to Texas.  I don’t think I need to go this far to let that go, but I’m willing to give it a try.  But, Em?  The second—and I mean the very second—that I think that you’re in danger, we are fucking gone.”

I smile huge.  My-face-hurts huge.  He just shakes his head and gives me a deep kiss.

Chapter 33—Maddox—Four Months Later

I walk hand in hand with Emmy through the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.  Her smile keeps me from falling apart.  I’m a mix of dread, trepidation, and anger.  Just being back in this state has my skin crawling.  It’s like every year that I’ve been gone, pushed myself to forget, is just gone in a giant wash.

I’ve come so far, and I think that, deep down, I’m worried more that this trip will be one giant setback.


I look down at her, my angel—and the reason I’m even able to be here right now—and scowl.