It makes me go instantly savage.  Like an untamed beast, I want to go on attack mode, but I stifle it down and focus on being there when she needs me.  It wouldn’t do her a bit of good for me to lash out on her because I’m feeling the terror of having almost lost her.

“Maddox?” she utters into the darkness.

“Emersyn,” I rumble back, my voice thick.

“I knew you would save me.”

My body jolts and she moans in pain when I jar her body slightly.  Shit.

“I fought him because I knew you would come.  I fought him because I had a reason not to give up.”

I’m shocked stupid, unable to even form a grunt in response because of the feeling of my heart beating wildly as it grows to improbable levels.

“I used everything I had to make sure we would have our chance.  I told you I would never stop fighting for you, and even though I was physically fighting for myself, I was in that battle to win not just my life…but yours too.

“Jesus,” I gasp past the lump in my throat.

“I would do it all over again.  I’ll never stop fighting.”

I turn so that I’m on my side and shift my arm under her head so that she’s resting on the crook of my elbow, coming up off the mattress to cup her cheek with my other hand and bring my face close.  Our noses touch first and I rub hers softly before taking her lips in a slow and powerful kiss.

The second my mouth opens, our tongues come together, tangling slowly in a caress so electric that I can feel it burning its power throughout my body.  My cock presses against her hip, painfully swollen, and my balls throb with need.  My skin burns.  I give her everything I have with just our mouths fused together.

I pull back with a gasp when I feel the coiling in the base of my spine warning me that, if I continue, I’m going to embarrass myself.

“Holy crap,” she whispers in awe.

“I’m going to be worthy of you, Emmy,” I vow softly, my cheek pressed against hers and my lips whispering my promise in her ear.  “I promise you, angel.  I’m going to be the man you deserve.  I—God—I fucking love you.”

She lets out a soft puff of air that lightly strokes against my cheek.  I feel her chest shaking, and I bet she will be seconds from crying if I lean back.

“Such a poet,” she sighs with a slight wobble in her voice.  “I’ve dreamt of hearing you say that, and I should have known that I would get a Maddox Locke version.  Well, I fucking love you back.”

I laugh, kiss her cheek, and move to lie back down.  “Are you doing okay with everything that happened, Em?” I ask, afraid of what she will say.  I hate the thought of her being fearful of anything.

“Yeah,” she breathes.  “Yeah, I really am.  I could let it put a scar on my mind, but I’m not going to.  I didn’t fight to live so that I could be scared for the rest of my days.  Of course I’m hurt, and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that the majority of that hurt isn’t the physical reminders—those will heal.  It’s the thought that my own father sent that monster after me.  I guess, like a silly little girl, I had believed that, one day, he would love me like a parent should love their child.”  She laughs without humor.  “I don’t want to give them the power over my future, Maddox, so I’m choosing to live for the blessings I have and heal from this.”

We don’t say anything else, both of us lost in our own thoughts.  I replay her words over and over again.  Everything she said could be used in my situation.  I can continue as I always have—or I can choose to live for the blessings I have resting in my arms.

I want those blessings.  I want that blessed life.  I want to live.

Chapter 28—Emmy—Two Months Later

Today is the day!  I get my arm cast removed and the cast on my leg switched from the long-leg one to one that stops below the knee.  I don’t think I could be more excited about this if I were getting a million-dollar bonus and a happy ending.  Although, I’m guessing I’ll get that happy ending when we get home from the doctor’s office.  Dr. Moss told us that, depending on his examination, I would most likely be given permission to start weight-bearing activities.  Just the thought of being able to get around just a fraction has my spirits soaring.

I’ve hated that Maddox has basically had to put his life on hold.  There hasn’t been anything I can do on my own.  The only plus is that the sponge baths have become really creative.