Page 122 of The Unraveling

We squeeze through the many, many people and order a drink.

She walks up to the side of the bar and does a double kiss with the bartender. She orders something, nods, and then comes back to me.

“It’s good to know people,” she says over the crowd.

“Clearly,” I say back.

The bartender comes back with two shots and two cocktails.

I said one drink. Now I’ve got a shot and a drink to take. Ugh. God. Fine.

“To an unforgettable night!” she says, then throws her head back in laughter.

I clink glasses with her, and then shoot it.

It burns all the way down and tastes stronger than usual liquor.

“What the fuck was that?” I say, when I can breathe again.

“Navy strength gin!” she laughs. “And caipirinhas!”

I want to drink my cocktail fast, so I get to leave sooner, but now that I just had a navy strength gin, I know the last thing I need to do is pound a third drink in a span of fifteen minutes. I’m sort of a lightweight these days, since I haven’t been drinking as much and I’ve lost a lot of weight and have been working out so much.

Fifteen minutes later, I feel fucking wasted.

I’m slurring and my head is spinning. Sometimes booze hits harder than other times, but this is worse than usual.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, patting Arabella on the shoulder and starting to make my way to the bathroom.

“I’ll go with you,” she says. “We can’t be splitting up!”

Something feels really off.

My eyes feel like they’re crossing.

I hear my name faintly, mixed in with all the other loud voices. Then it comes in clearer.

“Jocelyn? Jocelyn!”

I turn and see Jane. Right beside her is Artie.

Oh god, please let that mean Jordan is here.

I suddenly feel like I need help.

I wave at them, trying to breathe normally. I stumble and they both reach out.

“Babe—oh my god, are you okay?” asks Jane.

Artie holds me up by the arm. “What’s wrong with her?” he asks Arabella.

“Nothing, we just took a shot,” she says, laughing. “Just a ballerina who can’t hold her liquor. Nice seeing you again!”

She guides me away from them and I can’t find my tongue enough to say that I don’t want her to.

There’s a long line for the bathroom and she says, “How bad do you have to pee?”

I shake my head.